Posted 1 day ago

Dredd (2012) - 4K UHD Blu-ray (German Release full English Audio)

£2.62 from Spain ·
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RockstarRobbo Super Poster
Joined in 2011

About this deal

The future America is an irradiated waste land. On it's East Coast, running from Boston to Washington DC, lies Mega City One- a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called "Judges" who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and instant executioner. Known and feared throughout the city, Dredd (Karl Urban) is the ultimate Judge, challenged with ridding the city of it's latest scourge

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Edited by RockstarRobbo, 1 day ago
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  1. Shinobei's avatar
    Such an underrated film. Should be up there with some of the best modern action hero films
  2. TN567's avatar
    Excellent film this, don't get it twisted with the Stallone one 🫠
    RockstarRobbo's avatar
    Haha, exactly I agree, I put the date up in the title to avoid confusion
  3. ShotokanPaul's avatar
    Hopefully some clever movie marketer will bundle this and the Stallone film together. What to watch first...
    SecretOfMonkeyIsland's avatar
    "I AM THE LAAAWWW !!!!"
  4. Allosteric's avatar
    Great movie and this 4k disc is great and it’s a great spot! But if you have the right tv and player this movie is phenomenal in 3D. I own both versions and it’s the 3D one I go back to…
  5. madoka_ayukawa's avatar
    I enjoyed the Stallone's judge dredd. Am I in the minority?
    Bonedome123's avatar
    No, I enjoyed both films. 
  6. Rick312's avatar
    Does this copy have dolby atmos sound track???
    RockstarRobbo's avatar
    That's the US edition, this one features a DTS HD master 5.1 English. Also includes Dolby vision & HDR10. (edited)
  7. PJP007's avatar
    Daft question but if you order this from Spain would you have to pay import tax?
    RockstarRobbo's avatar
    Final price at the checkout is the total you will pay
  8. christoph22's avatar
    Rob Schneider is amazing in this
    JimDiGriz's avatar
    No he isnt!
  9. gr1pp3r's avatar
    Alex Garland knocked it out the park with this movie.
    Great price.
    Just after Men in 4k now, but not pay the silly price on eBay!
  10. stophe77's avatar
    What’s the picture quality like on this version, the US is meant to be really bad.
    JimDiGriz's avatar
    Its not bad. Its not great either. US one has far better sound - dont buy this one.
  11. JimDiGriz's avatar
    Dont buy this one! Buy the US 4K.
    RockstarRobbo's avatar
    This version has Dolby Vision whereas the US release doesn't. There are trade-offs between the two versions better picture quality or better sound. Also this version is cheaper.
  12. graham_tod's avatar
    Great move I prefer it in 4k to the 3D version.
    iainl7's avatar
    It doesn’t help that the 2D Blu is so poorly mastered that you’re better off watching the 3D disc in flat made. Will have to pick up a UHD at some point, though I think I’m persuaded to get the US one. 
  13. Bonedome123's avatar
    This deal is the deal equivalent of a ‘hot shot’…. I’ll get me coat… 🍺
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