Posted 11 February 2024

BBQ Chicken Pizza @ Costco

We loved the BBQ Chicken Pizza at our local Costco in Lakeside. It was so popular that it was rare to get it past 5/6pm and was mostly out of stock after that time. I recently happened to visit Costco Lakeside in the afternoon and was looking forward to order my favourite pizza but to my disappointment I found out they have stopped offering BBQ Chicken Pizza at Costco Lakeside.

This made me wonder whether it is just the Lakeside warehouse which has stopped offering this pizza or is it a nationwide discontinuance. I am therefore keen to know if your local Costco still offers the BBQ Chicken Pizza.
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  1. Bishobasho's avatar
    Gone from Costco in Liverpool too. RIP the best thing on the menu.
  2. cb789's avatar
    i only saw cheese and pepperoni on the self order screens the other day at my local
  3. Zosia's avatar
    Discovered this today at Croydon. What a shame. Was very disappointed.
  4. mrclint's avatar
    Not enough signatures 
  5. Gollywood's avatar
    Wouldn't it be quicker to just contact Costco?
    Bella_Ciao's avatar
    I did ask the local foodcourt staff but they couldn't answer it clearly.
  6. Deedie's avatar
    So what was the outcome?
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