help getting mortar off upvc double glazing and the window

Posted 8th Aug 2010
does anyone know how to get mortar off upvc with out it ruining them? the house we moved into has had all the front re-rendered and the builders got mortar over the upvc and didnt think to wipe it off. Ive tried everything in the last 5 weeks even scraping it with my nail which got some off the glass but not the upvc,
the window company said hot soapy water and a scourer but i dont think thats a good idea surely it would scuff the upvc?
any ideas here guy would be great
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  1. plumberman01's avatar
    have you got a jetwash? or even a steamer? they should work!
  2. deleted17062's avatar
    pressure washer wont damage glass
  3. plumberman01's avatar
    my o/h uses pressure washer on all our upvc and windows. Hasnt caused any damage.
  4. moob's avatar
    You can use a scourer, just use one that's suitable for non-stick pans and not the abrasive ones. Elbow grease as well.
  5. deleted91237's avatar
    for the glass

  6. deleted91237's avatar
    for the pvc,
    If you have a blunt wallpaper scraper and butter knife, use the blunt scraper on all of the flat surfaces and use the blunt knife in the sculptured hard to get areas. once you have got the thick of it off, try a good cream cleaner and plenty of elbow grease.
  7. plumberman01's avatar
    steamers work even on artex.
    sorry cant edit for some reason
  8. deleted17062's avatar
    you can also get upvc cleaner which is non-abrasive and brings it up sparkling…013
  9. deleted17062's avatar

    You can use a scourer, just use one that's suitable for non-stick pans … You can use a scourer, just use one that's suitable for non-stick pans and not the abrasive ones. Elbow grease as well.

    problem there is that the grit in the mortar is abrasive

    pressure washer is ideal for first attempt
  10. moob's avatar

    problem there is that the grit in the mortar is abrasivepressure washer … problem there is that the grit in the mortar is abrasivepressure washer is ideal for first attempt

    Aye, fair point - should have said to remove the worst of it first.
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