Community Updates
Bascially everyone will get an alert on the 23rd April at 3pm, or those on 'Three' mobile, will get it in a few weeks time ( I joke)

The test will coincide with the London Marathon and several Premier League games, but officials said any potential intrusion will be worth it to make sure you recognise what real future alerts would look like.

So, what happens then?

Around 3pm, on Sunday 23rd April you will get a sound / notification, like the one below.

They say the sound will last for 10 seconds, then stop. You can 'swipe' like any other notifcations also.

You can also see a quick video here showing how it works

Why are they doing this?

The government said it would be used in "life-threatening emergencies", including extreme weather events like the wildfires and flooding seen last year.

The government said the test was important as it would make sure people can recognise a real alert, which would provide clear instructions about how to respond in an emergency.

But they are expected to be sent very rarely, only when there is an immediate threat to life, so it may be months or years before you receive one.
