Brass Radiator Key £0.89 Free Collection @ Toolstation

Posted 21st Apr 2023
Brass Radiator Key…405

Product details

This traditional radiator key is an essential tool for plumbers and is a useful addition to any homeowner's tool box. It's primarily used for bleeding excess air from water-filled radiators. If left in the system, excess air can cause the performance of your central heating setup to drop.

This key is made of solid brass, which is a strong and durable metal that won't need to be replaced, as it's highly resistant to rust and corrosion. This means you'll be able to rely on it for years to come for tightening and tweaking the fittings on your radiators. The user-friendly T-bar design provides a solid grip and makes it easy to use with gloves too. It also adds leverage, which makes it easier to turn and eliminates the need for additional tools. This key fits all standard radiators.

• Easily bleed air from water filled radiators

• Fits all standard radiators

• Solid brass

• Easy grip T-bar shape
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