Electric Purple Dualshock 4 - £29.99 @ Currys
Was showing as £19-something-or-other, now showing as £44.99, but if you add to basket it shows up as £29.99. I completed checkout and got order confirmation, so I think it should be good. …
IndieGala Monday Bundle - £1.28
Only $1.89 / £1.28 for six games, including Ostrich Island and Gunworld amongst other things. Seems like a bargain, seeing as how the price of Ostrich Island on sale at GMG the other day was…
Humble Store Weekly Sale - Up to 50% off
Not the best week ever, but some off the prices may appeal to a few. Deals include "CloudBuilt"(50% off - £7.49), "Tri"(50% off - £6.49) and, my personal pick of the bunch "The Marvellous Mi…
Paranautical Activity- £1.75 @ Bundlestars
Not sure if been mentioned elsewhere/before, but seems like a good deal for an interesting rogue-lite FPS hybrid of sorts. Should probably have posted sooner as ends in 14 hours (first post …