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Dead Space PS5 Video Game

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This is the PS5 remake version of the 2008 game, it's the cheapest I have seen since launch in 2022.

About this item
* A deeper and more immersive experience: This remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity, suspenseful atmospheric audio, and improvements to gameplay
* Immerse yourself in next-gen sci-fi horror: From the frighteningly detailed rooms and workspaces of a slaughtered crew to the eerie atmospheric sounds of a desolate spaceship, you’ll explore a stunning sci-fi setting full of unpredictable and tense moments without interruption
* Unravel the mystery aboard USG Ishimura: Following an expanded narrative experience, uncover the dark secrets behind the events aboard the usg ishimura through the final logs of the ill-fated crew and your encounters with the few survivors that remain
* Improvise to survive: Confront the nightmare aboard the usg ishimura with genre-defining strategic gameplay. Repurpose and upgrade isaac’s engineering tools to creatively defeat enemies with precision
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  1. lafonk's avatar
    I wondered with this game if it was worth signing up for EA Play on PlayStation for £5.99 for a month in order to play this, instead of buying physical and probably reselling as this is a game I don’t think I’d want to keep. But curious if anyone has thoughts on that idea.
    Toon_army's avatar
    If you hold out EA usually so cheap months for something crazy like 79p
    I managed to play a good few games in that time, It Takes Two and A Way Out are both recommended
  2. archermav's avatar
    Nearly posted and bought this yesterday when it was £26:99 on Amazon. Glad I didn't on both counts. Cheers OP.
  3. matthew.lawrence's avatar
    Heat, thanks OP.
  4. a_user's avatar
    The DeadSpace Remake is amazing, easily my favourite game of recent times. Fixes some of the control issues of the original, and looks way better. Gameplay has been tweaked as well, basically, it's great. Buy it now!
  5. iSab's avatar
    Awesome graphics and gameplay loved every minute
  7. KongDonkey's avatar
    I enjoyed this on Xbox 360 and expect it will look even better on the PS5.
  8. Hillsman's avatar
    Probably my favourite PS3 game - multiple playthrus and one of my first plats. Was supposed to get it free with PS5 - Argos deal - and they were holding it for me. Gone when I got there!!
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