Posted 3 hours ago

Budget NVME 1 to 2TB for travel?


Got an NVME enclosure just need a decent NVME that wont break the bank. I'll use it for travel instead of buying a ton of micro sd cards.

I plan to transfer the stuff onto another format when i get back then ill just format the drive and use it for pc.
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  1. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    How much do you want to spend?

    £55 gets you a cheap 1TB & £140 gets you a good quality 2TB (sometimes you can get these for £90 but mostly £110-£125 on offer).

    Or you could just go to CEX.
    jungleboy123's avatar
    cex risky lol... i wont touch them when it come to data storage.

    you have link for £55 1tb? (edited)