2 replies
Base unit suitable for iracing
Don't see many base unit deals on here anymore. I'm looking for a rig suitable to run iracing, preferably that I can upgrade to take three monitors. Minimum specs are a core2, 2gb and a 78…
4 replies
Upgrade or buy new?
Hi all I have a dell poweredge sc440 which I found on HUKD 3 years ago. Whacked 4GB of RAM in and a half decent graphics card, and it's been great for the past 3 years. Now I feel the nee…
13 replies
Please help me choose a new phone !!!!!!
Hello all, I am trapped in a nokia cocoon and want to break out of it. I have had nokias all my life, and the most recent one that I've had (N96) has really put me off them. I'm not tempt…
2 replies
Nokia Walk And Drive Voice Commands - Cheap?
Hi All, Looking for a deal for sat nav voice commands for my Nokia N96. I've missed out on both deals that were on over the past few months for voice commands for under £10 and wondered …
15 replies
24 hr XBOX live gold code wanted please?
Has anyone got an unwanted 24 hr code so I can download GTA additional content when it comes out? I have the points but suspect I will need gold to get it when it comes out. Rep left for a…
1 reply
XBox 360 Live points / Wireless controller - I am clueless!
Hey, got an Xbox 360 for my bday in May off my lovely girlfriend! I just don't know where the best place is to get Xbox live points is? Are there any ways of wangling them more cheaply? I…