Posted 11 December 2020

Nespresso Vertuo Machines - Krups vs Magimix?

Hi all

Been looking at these for awhile and wondered if any knew of any difference between the two?
Some reviews and websites state the magimix had a 1.8l tank vs the 1.2l on krups (but i've also seen the magimix at 1.2l as well!)

Cheapest seems to be the red magimix on currys/amazon @ £59.99 or krups is £64.99 for black

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  1. Xiwt's avatar
    Think the differences between Krups and Magimix mainly aesthetic - could be wrong but I think I have a krups machine for the older style pods has been good... use good water (not hard) in it or I guess descale it more frequently and look after it don’t see why either won’t be a good shout. (edited)
  2. gloryhunting's avatar
    Yep its aesthetics. I have the magimix and has always been good. They both do a 1.2L and 18L version - i'd recommend paying the extra for the bigger tank just to reduce hassle of filling it up every couple of drinks as the vertuo pods tend to be for larger coffees.
  3. yorkie12's avatar
    We have had our Krups Dolce Gusto machine for many years without any problems , so would think the Nespresso machine would be just as reliable . We are in an hard water area and this means the coffee machine has to be descaled every 4 months or so but that would depend on usage. We now have a bean to cup so our machine is now at the caravan. I wouldn't recommend a large water tank on any coffee machine unless you use the full amount every day, water easily goes 'off' after long periods at room temperature and taints the coffee flavour.
  4. Drooler's avatar
    No different in terms of usage whatsoever
  5. iDealYou's avatar
    I had a red magimix for around 2 years then it died. I used it 2 or 3 times a day.
    Good value for money.

    Now, I am on a bean to cup machine.
  6. Adao's avatar
    thanks all!

    Will probably go for the magimix! (although not red as other half wouldnt be too pleased with the colour!)
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