13 replies
Spusu new mobile virtual network operator
https://www.spusu.com/ As mentioned over on https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2023/06/austrian-mobile-operator-spusu-launch-in-uk-with-cheap-unlimited-data.html Launch offer of £19.…
23 replies
Ebuyer has been bought out
12 replies
Install a server in your house, get free hot water!
Heata, which began as an innovation project with British Gas, is a UK company that connects a server to your hot water cylinder and provides hot water to the house master for free up to 4.8 …
12 replies
Living in England, Apply for a 100% fully funded bootcamp before the 25th November
Choose between 3 online bootcamp courses https://code.ed.ac.uk/ Over the course of 16 weeks, you’ll learn everything you need to know to pivot into working full-time in Software Enginee…
5 replies
Quake on the Nintendo Switch worth it?
I see Quake 64 has been remastered for the Switch: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/QUAKE-2027389.html it's £7.99, is it worth it?
5 replies
Smarty got 4g voice last week
in case no one noticed, Smarty got VoLTE last week: https://help.smarty.co.uk/en/articles/1112746-supervoice-and-wifi-calling I think that makes Smarty the cheapest pay as you go network w…