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Posted 12 May 2024

Twin Peaks - HD To Buy - Season 1 & 2 - Amazon Prime Video

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Not sure what a limited event series means though.
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Edited by a community support team member, 12 May 2024
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  1. shiverMeTimburz's avatar
    Anyone that hasn't seen it yet, after watching this series, watch 'twin peaks fire walk with me"..don't watch before
    radvan's avatar
    If you can find it anywhere
  2. theangrycat's avatar
    both seasons are on offer? Last time I could only buy the 1st one as the 2nd was not on offer
    Coadnew's avatar
    This isn't the Original Series 1, it was a limited series in 2017. But both original seasons are on offer at £4.99 each, or included with Paramount Plus
  3. ElfQueenie's avatar
    May pick these up even though I have them on blu ray.

    If you like this show and play games, you should definitely try Alan wake.
  4. Tragedy's avatar
    Best show ever.
  5. mccririck's avatar
    "She's dead. Wrapped in plastic."
  6. ccmac2013's avatar
    You either get it or you don't, there's no in between with this one. Superb weirdness and a brilliant soundtrack.
  7. bushmaster80's avatar
    The log lady

    Only in a David Lynch world would the other characters just let that pass without some follow up questions. 
  8. Axminister_redX6J's avatar
    Strangest TV series ever but very well done, definitely NSFW. David Bowie had a brief part in the film release, director David Lynch has 4 Oscar nominations 1 win & directed the original Dune (1984) (edited)
  9. 4478btjzzs's avatar
    Definitely the best series of all time if you appreciate the horror and the weird.
    bermudaviper's avatar
    The backward talking and repetitive music ruined what was quite a good story.
  10. Decoded's avatar
    So weird but addictive to watch. Audrey is drop dead gorgeous. (edited)
    bermudaviper's avatar
  11. swayndo's avatar
    I can only seem to get offered the Paramount subs. What am I doing wrong?
    shiverMeTimburz's avatar
    Select more purchase options and the offers are there (edited)
  12. Alan_Wake's avatar
    These are good transfers (for S1 & 2) look the same as the Blu-ray. S3 looks better on Blu-ray but not much, absolute bargain to grab all 3 seasons for £15.

    S2 after episode ~ 6 just skip forward to last few episodes, after the reveal it's trash, then Lynch got involved in back end.

    S3 is a masterpiece
  13. WTFreddie's avatar
    Nice deal! Been meaning to watch this for a long time after playing Alan Wake 1. Purchased
  14. Intrepidity's avatar
    I real;ly like twin peaks.........much better than just one
  15. Whiteside's avatar
    Brilliant tv series. Goes from soap opera to weird and unsettling. I loved it. I don’t think anything like it will be made again. The character bob really freaked me out. Audrey was delightful. Albert was a great character too. So many memorable characters from 1 show.
  16. artmonkey's avatar
    There was a fish in the percolator, sorry

    Your post links to season 3, not 1&2
  17. jonnyholywoodni's avatar
    Tried to get my wife to watch this with me and she made a point of falling asleep so I'd need to stop and restart. Will need to try and make her watch it again.
  18. bermudaviper's avatar
    I only watched it for the theme tune and Audrey
  19. hungry_goliath's avatar
    I can't see the option to buy at this price
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