10 replies
Why are ps5 notifications removed?
This site is really becoming a shadow of its former self. When I joined in 2007 they had glitches, sales pages and we wasn't as moderated as we are now. Are they receiving back handers to …
5 replies
Whizz air fit to fly pcr test.
For a fee of £85 they will let you have a Covid test and issue a certificate for your holiday. So my question is, why would someone choose to take this? Especially as a family of 6 for examp…
14 replies
iPhone 11 Usa prices vs Uk
For this example we will use the so called budget IPhone 11 USA price $699+ 8% tax =$699+$56=$755 with according to xe is converted to £611.00 Uk price is estimated at £749 Price differen…
9 replies
EE price hike 2.7%
Ffs again! Can this be cancelled with no early fee or is 2.7% the norm?
1 reply
John Lewis extra warranty
My Apple Watch s2 is playing up a little and wondered what JL are like with their warranty. I know they provide an extra year but is it any good? Can I just go in store and get a replaceme…
2 replies
Average fees fire sale of house?
Has anyone recently sold a house? just wondered what sort of fees are involves in the sale of a house worth £150,000 Shared Via The HUKD App For Android.
43 replies
How disciplined are you with your teens?
Always end up arguing with the misses over our 18 year son (my step son) For example he came into tonight at 8.15pm for his tea, we have tea at 5 to 5.30pm but she stood and made him some t…
17 replies
Sky going £3 per month can I cancel
not happy with the new price increase, I only signed up in December and feel I'm already paying more than its worth. I have read about some new ruling by ofcom saying if I am not happy I can…
0 replies
Save option on the app
Why doesn't the app have a save offer which syncs with your Web browser Shared Via The HUKD App For Android.
22 replies
farewell baby oleg
So baby oleg is staying in Africa with his uncle...No more baby oleg! Good for ebayers sad for me! Shared Via The HUKD App For Android.
4 replies
o2 cinema code
Has anybody received their code for the free cinema ticket tomorrow on o2. I saved the offer on my o2 apps without realising I had to get the code as well. I am in need of 3 tickets (if poss…
38 replies
christmas food shopping?
Where are you guys doing the xmas food shop this year? We normally use Tesco as a rule but thinking maybe its time to switch?
5 replies
showbox on virgin media
My showbox is always loading, plays for a minute or 2 then starts loading again! I am on 100mb virgin media so I know it's not the actual connection itself. Is anyone else having issues with…
5 replies
cheapest way to buy hotels for New York in December
Anyone any advice on where to look for the cheapest way to buy hotels for New York in December
1 reply
Why doesn't skyscanner check nearby airports any more?
Why doesn't skyscanner check nearby airports any more? It used to, If I was searching Manchester for example it would search for Leeds and Doncaster for a cheaper price? Is it skyscanner or …
3 replies
o2 have killed my credit rating!
I took out a contract with o2 and I returned the handset within the 7 day cooling off period! Made sure via online chat and over the phone that the contract was cancelled and the balance was…