2 replies
Top 100 free kindle books
Top 100 Kindle Books in one link. Some examples: Natalie Hames The Death Of Me Elly Griffiths Ruth's First Christmas Tree: A Ruth Galloway Christmas Story Ellis Keler Last Witness…
2 replies
Anyone tried Heets?
A neighbour of mine is trying to give up smoking but doesn't get on with vaping that much. He's interested in Heets, heated tobacco sticks but unsure about them and I've never tried them mys…
8 replies
Beware of this fan
This is the Amazon page for the fan. Looks like it is rather lethal from the picture. (shock) https://www.amazon.co.uk/ZXCVWWE-Portable-Ventilador-Conditioner-Rechargeable/dp/B0BN7HBT6L/ref…
13 replies
Spectrum and Commodore remakes.
I have used emulators many times over the last 20 years or so. Looking at remakes of these classic home computer games. Online, mobile or other. (Online browser games, Android phone, PC. …
1 reply
Malty or hoppy ale. Or balance between the two?
I like a good balanced ale. But if I have to choose between a more malty or hoppy ale I lean towards the former. Been drinking the Brewdog short dated deals from Discount Dragon and find m…
28 replies
Fatty liver and cirrhosis thread
I had fatty liver five years ago. I got rid of it six months later. Alcohol and diet. I made changes but last year I got back into old ways. The cruise I went on back in October really done …
1 reply
Weirdest bench press block I have ever seen.
26 replies
Received this email from a Noel Quinn
Greetings from N. Quinn, I am Mr. Noel Quinn, a Banker and credit system programmer(HSBC bank). I saw your email address while browsing through the bank DTC Screen in my office yesterday so…
77 replies
UK temperatures
I saw these in 1976, out on my lane, my Weebles stuck to the tarmac. Remember 1990 being a roaster. Then 2003 having to run into a pub for a squash! Then there was 2018. Nothing new in my …
26 replies
Allergic Rhinitis/Rhinitis.
Anyone that suffers with this, what medication or remedies do you take? I was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis many years ago. A nasal drip and itchiness nearly all the time. Affects the e…
14 replies
I got stung by a wasp in 2018 in the face. Tried to treat it myself but quickly swelled up and felt really ill. Shortness of breath and confusion. I got a neighbour to take me to the local h…
25 replies
Aura Migraines
Anyone else have them? Have they been so bad you thought they were a TIA? Recently been diagnosed with them. Happen rarely thankfully. Just interested if any of the HUKD community have th…
54 replies
Rush and Dalglish
The greatest forward partnership in British football history. I'm biased as a LFC fan. I'm just old enough to remember Toshack and Keegan as a great duo before. Then there was Owen and Heske…
10 replies
Offshore - Chicane
Great song. But a blatant rip off of Tangerine Dream's Love on a Real Train
21 replies
Old friends
I'm quite content with the present day friends I have. But I have a lot of old friends, as we all do, that I no longer see, and quite frankly, I don't wish to become acquainted with again. S…
14 replies
Blood pressure change
My blood pressure has for the last few years been normal. Last check at the health centre was two years ago and perfectly fine. However used a blood pressure monitor this evening a few time…
16 replies
Fallout 3
Played New Vegas and Fallout 4. Completed them . Just found Fallout 3 in a charity shop. Loved those above, only games I have played so much in 15 years. Is this one worth playing?
21 replies
Thin Camera 1980's
I found a thin square compact camera in a box in the attic from the 80's. Still contains a film. I dismissed it as I doing work up there months ago at the time but now wondering what was on …
4 replies
Return of the scooter
Nobody had a scooter when I was a kid. I had a skateboard and a BMX. (My gran bought me an Extra Burner- bless her.) My parents had go-carts. Was something that happened in the half-generati…
41 replies
Dick Turpin
Have you heard of this person? If you haven't say no and state your age. If you have state your age. Please. I'm doing a sociological study. DO NOT GOOGLE.
26 replies
Best way of getting rid of tartar
Because of Covid haven't been to the dentist for two years. Been breaking off the tartar behind my back lower teeth tonight (Saturday night - beats washing your hair) with my nail. Little c…
8 replies
Bluray player compatibility issue
I've given my old bluray player to my mum as I have bought a new one but it won't play on her TV. Of course connected to the right HDMI port, etc. but still won't work. The TV is a Toshiba a…
69 replies
What is your favourite sandwich?
Just had a ham and cheese sandwich. Hit the bell. New York Deli is my fave. But can't quite create it at home. So what are HUKDers faves. (nerd)
20 replies
Star Fleet
Anyone remember Star Fleet? Googled it and comes with up Star Trek. Nothing to do with that. Kids programme. Loved it every Saturday morning, early 80's. Anyone remember, when a big bubble …
10 replies
Lidl's own brand beers reduced in alcohol.
Anyone else noticed? I'm a Lidl's regular and like their own beer varieties. But seems they have recently reduced the alcohol content. Galareux has been reduced to 4.6% from 4.8%, Golden Ale…