My daughter has asked for a laptop to play roblox any recommendations please

Posted 10th Oct 2023
I have no clue about technology at all. She doesn’t need/want anything expensive. She has an iPad already but said she would love a laptop to play roblox. So I don’t need anything fancy but unsure if all lap tops/Chromebook’s ect let you play?
Any recommendations please would be an amazing help that are easy to use. She is almost 12. Would like to get it for Christmas.
Thank you so much
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  1. one_eight_seven's avatar
    As above but from the official site but I suspect she may be looking to play other games as well so find out which games so you can find a more suitable laptop.
    tilliesmummy's avatar
    Thank you so much. Appreciate your help
  2. tilliesmummy's avatar
    Thank you so much for this
  3. 001Cisco's avatar
    Any budget?
    tilliesmummy's avatar
    Under £300 if possible
  4. tilliesmummy's avatar
    Thank you so much. I appreciate this
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