2 replies
new deal in euros
On android app. When posting a deal, the fixed reduction price has Euro in brackets instead of pounds (£). I'm sure it used to be in pounds before
2 replies
How do I delete saved searches?
I was long for a washing machine and now I've found a washing machine, but heaven known how I stop getting alerts for them.
3 replies
Sort by New is missing on HUKD
I really hope this is just a temporary glitch and not intentional but the sort by 'New' is missing. This is something I use every day and I'm sure many others do too, please don't get rid o…
0 replies
Alerts Feed as Default View?
It would be nice to have the Alerts Feed for all of my subscribed alert keywords to be the default view when I browse to the HUKD homepage. This should be quite an easy setting as you alread…
1 reply
HUKD Links not working on mobile
Hi everyone. Whenever I click a main link someone has posted to a deal on mobile, I get redirected to my browser where it goes to a "clicked HUKD" style link briefly, then redirects to a web…
1 reply
No product photo,now Text.
I love your site and have made some great purchases on your recommendations and reviews. Recently, when I click on one of the latest offers it shows only as text, not the usual image I used …
3 replies
Refreshing a posted deal
Hi, Does anyone know how one can refresh any deals already posted or how you can turn them into a thread? Thanks
101 replies
Freebies - Hide Ebooks / kindle etc or give them their own section
Update 1
14/05/24: Kindle books must now have an 'about the author section' to be shared in deals / freebies
Hi everyone, i was wondering if anyone knows how you can hide kindle or ebooks on the freebies page. I get technically they are free, but there is so many of them its hard to find non e book…
4 replies
Politically influenced profile pictures
Do we need them? We aren't encouraged to talk about anything Politcal, unless in the specific thread - yet we see users with profile pictures pushing their agenda, also leaving remarks in de…
3 replies
HUKD Android app problem
Anyone else having trouble with the app on android? Mines just hanging on the load screen. (fierce)
2 replies
Why are there no more car deals posted?
Seems to me that it's been awhile since there has been a post about car deals. I really enjoyed them as well as reading the comments about what they thought of the deal and car.
11 replies
Auto sign out from iOS app
Can anyone help me please the app automatically signs me out randomly several times a day. It only started a couple of weeks ago. How do I stop this? Thanks XD
8 replies
Notification tab bug on alerts opening
I don't seem to be able to go more than once on the Alert notifications unless I refresh the whole tab. First time works fine then nothing happens. Using latest version on Android..
9 replies
Android App update pops up always
It drives me crazy when I open the app a few times a day sometimes and it always asks to be updated. It still works fine if you don't updat it so why are they pushing it so hard? Not even …
23 replies
Are the flamedeer back?
Just wondered to ask, are we expecting a flamedeer hunt this week? Happy Easter all
2 replies
Get deal link randomly missing on main page
On the deals pages I'm finding that not all the deals (that aren't local only) are showing the get deal banner and the only way to access it for those in question is to open the thread first
3 replies
Sort deals within each category by "hottest"?
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible when going on a category from the categories list to sort it by "hottest" deals. Similar to how you get in the main deals page, but for each category in…
5 replies
What happens if the sponsored post goes cold?
Currently, in the app, under hot, the second entry is a sponsored post for Huawei from a couple of weeks ago. I've seen other posts like it get pinned and they have a little close/hide link…
4 replies
Ordering of comments in deals
I suspect this is an android app / cache issue. But my comment is at the bottom of the deal, instead of further up. As far as I know everything is meant to be time ordered. - yesterday - 22…
2 replies
Discussions shouldn't become deals
Hi. This has happened to me three times now. Before posting a deal, I'll check there isn't already a deal/voucher posted. I'll go through the steps to post, and hukd will automatically che…