38 replies
new pre written descriptions
Just wondering how folks felt about the new pre written descriptions from HUKD's I posted a jacket earlier and this was the HUKD's suggested description "Hey mate, have you seen this McK…
1 reply
Politically influenced profile pictures
Do we need them? We aren't encouraged to talk about anything Politcal, unless in the specific thread - yet we see users with profile pictures pushing their agenda, also leaving remarks in de…
6 replies
Auto sign out from iOS app
Can anyone help me please the app automatically signs me out randomly several times a day. It only started a couple of weeks ago. How do I stop this? Thanks XD
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9 replies
Android App update pops up always
It drives me crazy when I open the app a few times a day sometimes and it always asks to be updated. It still works fine if you don't updat it so why are they pushing it so hard? Not even …
3 replies
HUKD Android app problem
Anyone else having trouble with the app on android? Mines just hanging on the load screen. (fierce)
2 replies
Why are there no more car deals posted?
Seems to me that it's been awhile since there has been a post about car deals. I really enjoyed them as well as reading the comments about what they thought of the deal and car.
4 replies
Notification tab bug on alerts opening
I don't seem to be able to go more than once on the Alert notifications unless I refresh the whole tab. First time works fine then nothing happens. Using latest version on Android..
25 replies
Cold Deal Voting
Don't be bad on this question, its just a simple question. Can i ask why bots are allowed on this site? voting bots for shobby items are giving heat but honest deals get cold? This has been…
21 replies
Share link not opening for people without the app
I've been sharing some links with my family and friends but they can never open it as they don't have the app. I removed the 'share deal from app' from the link and it worked. Just thought …
12 replies
Saved alerts not working
Hi I've just noticed that my long-time saved alert for "oral b head" is not actually working. I just did a manual search for this and got loads of recent matches, none of which i've ever had…
10 replies
Remove the Next Best Price Box or Make it Clearer
Hello, My request is that you either remove the next best price box or make it clearer to everyone who views this website that the crossed out grey number is in fact the next best price, or…
3 replies
Deal Alerts useless in app
Last week I updated the HUKD app accidentally and have lost a couple of things that improved functionality. A few years ago the app used to show you the last 200 keyword deal alerts under t…
19 replies
Notifications icon not working on iPhone app
The notification “bell”icon at the bottom of the screen does not show as red or with a number on it even when there are alerts triggered As per the photo, it shows no alerts, however th…
23 replies
Are the flamedeer back?
Just wondered to ask, are we expecting a flamedeer hunt this week? Happy Easter all
9 replies
App is so bugged
Many problems after last few updates e.g. Deal picture is not added after first try, many times you have to choose picture and add again End of deal date is set by app at 01:00 instead of …