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Posted 29 May 2022

Last of Us Part II (PS4) £12.99 In Store / £14.98 Delivered @ GAME UK

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£9.99 Online Price (+ £4.99 Delivery) totals £14.98 Delivered.

£12.99 In Store (check stock online).


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The Last of Us Part II focuses on the physical, emotional, and mental state expressed through every facet of gameplay. Naughty Dog has completely overhauled their engine, developed new combat mechanics, created new analog stealth systems. Revamping the animation system to fully express Ellie’s desperation, resourcefulness, and agility.

Within broader, more complex, and more detailed environments, the human enemies you’ll encounter are now more threatening and capable, using sophisticated communication and environmental awareness to create intense, more dynamic stealth and head-on combat encounters.

The Last of Us Part II features new and returning characters, brought to life by the latest performance capture techniques and an exceptional cast.

Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate survivors. When a violent event disrupts that peace, Ellie embarks on a relentless journey to carry out justice and find closure. As she hunts those responsible one by one, she is confronted with the devastating physical and emotional repercussions of her actions.

A Complex and Emotional Story
Experience the escalating moral conflicts created by Ellie’s relentless pursuit of vengeance. The cycle of violence left in her wake will challenge your notions of right versus wrong, good versus evil, and hero versus villain.

A Beautiful Yet Dangerous World
Set out on Ellie’s journey, taking her from the peaceful mountains and forests of Jackson to the lush, overgrown ruins of greater Seattle. Encounter new survivor groups, unfamiliar and treacherous environments, and terrifying evolutions of the infected. Brought to life by the latest iteration of the Naughty Dog engine, the deadly characters and world are more realistic and meticulously detailed than ever before.

Tense and Desperate Action-Survival Gameplay

New and evolved gameplay systems deliver upon the life-or-death stakes of Ellie’s journey through the hostile world. Feel her desperate struggle for survival through improved features such as high-intensity melee combat, fluid movement, and dynamic stealth. A broad variety of weapons, crafting items, skills, and updates allows you to personalize Ellie’s capabilities to your play style.
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Edited by a community support team member, 30 May 2022
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  1. Y_G's avatar
    Nobody’s a bigger fan of the original than me, but part 2 is crap. Definitely have it a chance and played it through 3 times aswell and got the platinum & grounded mode. Story is dreadful, characters (including Ellie & Joel even) dreadful and the gameplay is too easy. The suspense came from the difficulty and sense of dread that a mistake is fatal. Load of wishy washy nonsense making the game so easy anyone blind can get the platinum.

    Simply get a ps5 and play TLOU part 1, preferably on the hardest difficulty. Day 1 ps3 player, day 1 ps4 player for the remaster. Gaming perfection, masterpiece. Very much looking forward to the remade version providing the original difficulty, suspense, and Joel’s brute force type gameplay is maintained. Probably the only post 16 bit era game I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve finished it. 20-30 times at least. (edited)
  2. deleted2643325's avatar
    Graphically and mechanicaly good.
    The story though is just a absolute dumpster fire.
  3. Greg.'s avatar
    Talk about divisive!

  4. SwordOfEden's avatar
    Over Rated Game and the Media heavily gave it perfect scores...

    Whereas users gave it a different score.

    Graphically great but story is not as special as people make it out to be. Fans are die hard about this game. Truth is, the First one is a better game and the set the scene beautifully.
    The agendas in the 2nd story fit today issues which gave it the high score.

    Uncharted, God of war, Assassin's creed, FF, metal gear, Halo, ghost of tsushima star wars, shenmue, Mass effect, half life, witcher, and so on have a better and memorable story.

    Anyone telling you to buy this game without playing the First is just a blind fan.
  5. johnboylan12's avatar
    tr0r29/05/2022 13:24

    Incredible game. People cant seem to grasp that just because they might …Incredible game. People cant seem to grasp that just because they might not like what happens in the story, it does not make it a bad story.

    Some people can't seem to grasp that the story in this one is just crap and that is more apparent since it is without the characters or dialogue to carry said crap story. (edited)
  6. luffydude's avatar
    tr0r29/05/2022 13:24

    Incredible game. People cant seem to grasp that just because they might …Incredible game. People cant seem to grasp that just because they might not like what happens in the story, it does not make it a bad story.

    What makes it a bad story is the poor writing and awful pacing
  7. rapid85's avatar
    I'm a huge fan of the first game, one of the best stories ever told imo. Finished the 2nd game a few weeks ago. I had absolutely no idea what the storyline contained so had no preconceptions.

    I thought it was a massive letdown. The story Was poor regardless of whether it's to your taste or not. It's artificial and simply trying to tick as many boxes as possible. They ripped out everything good about the first game and trashed it.

    There are some great cinematics and I liked the upgrading system but I found gameplay very repetitive. Many of the main characters were unlikeable and/or annoying. The only thing I can say in its defence is that everyone's expectations were sky high.

    Surprisingly people seem triggered very easily when this game gets any form of criticism. It's opinions, everybody is entitled to theirs. It's meta critic rating is 9. Something and last time I looked user reviews at 5. Something. That should give you a clue - liked by the Hollywood circles type but not by the majority of gamers. Many on this thread wouldn't have you believe it but the proof is in the pudding.

    Is this a good deal? OK I suppose. I brought it pristine used for a fiver. Glad I didn't pay any more.
  8. luffydude's avatar
    nickroll30/05/2022 09:41

    You preferred those games and that's cool. But why does that mean the …You preferred those games and that's cool. But why does that mean the critics and awards must be wrong? The real disconnect between the critic and user scores is that for every critic review you click into you can read a full write-up from someone who's clearly played the whole game and critiqued it accordingly. Look at the majority of the one-liner 0/10 user reviews and it's clear that's not the case.

    Lmao sorry to burst your bubble but this is very easy to refute - "critic reviews" aka "game journos" are incentivized to out out their review as quick as possible to get more traffic for their website, not to actually complete games. Not only this but they want to maintain priority access to a developer's games so they are also incentivized to put out positive scores. Evidence of this is easily found everywhere

    Actual game critics, those not bound by any corporate obligations, like ACG and Skillup have said that this is not a good game. Angry Joe actually listed it as one of the WORST games
  9. luffydude's avatar
    nickroll30/05/2022 09:01

    Already has it's place in history - it holds the record for the most game …Already has it's place in history - it holds the record for the most game of the year awards

    Just shows the disconnect between "game journos" looking for political checkboxes and actual gamers that have actually played the far superior games released on the same year:

    - Doom Eternal
    - Final Fantasy 7 Remake
    - Ghost of Tsushima
    - Hades
    - Yakuza like a Dragon
  10. nickroll's avatar
    luffydude30/05/2022 09:29

    Just shows the disconnect between "game journos" looking for political …Just shows the disconnect between "game journos" looking for political checkboxes and actual gamers that have actually played the far superior games released on the same year:- Doom Eternal- Final Fantasy 7 Remake- Ghost of Tsushima- Hades- Yakuza like a Dragon

    You preferred those games and that's cool. But why does that mean the critics and awards must be wrong? The real disconnect between the critic and user scores is that for every critic review you click into you can read a full write-up from someone who's clearly played the whole game and critiqued it accordingly. Look at the majority of the one-liner 0/10 user reviews and it's clear that's not the case.
  11. rs_tigerblade's avatar
    dbobs29/05/2022 18:04

    I'm with you. I've tried twice to get into the first one but after an …I'm with you. I've tried twice to get into the first one but after an eternity crawling around pipes in the dark at 'tutorial' level Ive never been tempted to push on. Does the second one have more action? With kids I only get an hour at a time so if a game is not pick up & play (eg borderlands) then it doesn't grab me.

    I’m so glad someone is with me! Tbf, after a few sessions I’m pretty sure I got half way through it then a bit got annoying where something kept attacking me from behind and the controls were so bad I couldn’t be bothered. I found it hugely over rated but I might change my mind if I got stuck in.
  12. jonrobertson's avatar
    rs_tigerblade30/05/2022 07:36

    I never got to play through twin snakes so didn’t know this actually. M …I never got to play through twin snakes so didn’t know this actually. Maybe I’ll just play through the original again lolYou didn’t like it and completed it 3 times?! Not think about trading it in for something else? Lol

    It's inferior in every way except gameplay and graphics. And in terms of gameplay, what that means is that they updated it to include the mechanics introduced for MGS2. But the problem is that MGS wasn't designed around those mechanics, such as first person aiming or being able to hop over railings, and it just makes it too easy. You can bypass whole areas just by hopping over a rail and dropping down.

    Play the original. Twin Snakes is a curious re-imagination, maybe worth a run through, nothing more
  13. tr0r's avatar
    Incredible game. People cant seem to grasp that just because they might not like what happens in the story, it does not make it a bad story.
  14. Carlos_Carlitos's avatar
    Despite all the controversy regarding the game ( I still like the first one the most ), it's a must play regardless
  15. Bazallworks's avatar
    The Last of Us Part II is a good game.
  16. pannan's avatar
    One of the best games ever made and will go down in history as such once all the bigotry around it subsides
  17. Mystikol's avatar
    Fantastic game, simples
  18. Moody_Cloud's avatar
    Even if you don't like/agree with the story, the gameplay is superb. It's the best stealth game to come out in years, it's incredibly satisfying taking out enemies one by one whilst staying hidden. Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 3 with a lot more aggression and that's the best compliment I can give it. (edited)
  19. StevieW0nder's avatar
    I see this masterpiece I vote hot
  20. luffydude's avatar
    Greg.29/05/2022 23:59

    Talk about divisive![Image]

    If half the people think the game is awful and half thing it's great, the reality would put it in the middle as mediocre

    This game sold so poorly that Sony stopped reporting on its sales post launch
  21. KP5's avatar
    Carlos_Carlitos29/05/2022 13:00

    Despite all the controversy regarding the game ( I still like the first …Despite all the controversy regarding the game ( I still like the first one the most ), it's a must play regardless

    Agree here. I do definitely prefer the first game but this second game is a must-play, for completeness and continuity of the story IMHO.

    It does feel slightly drawn out in places, but it’s an incredible story with huge investment (it’ll be one heck of a film / series).
  22. ThisIsFitz's avatar
    One of the best, immersing games ever created, must play.
  23. PhoenixWright's avatar
    Put the narrative criticism to one side and play the game with an open mind. It really is an excellent video game and very cinematic. I was disappointed when I finished the game as I knew that unless naughty dog make a third game, then this gameplay experience may never be bettered.
  24. boulder1's avatar
    Excellent game.
    Bold moves made story wise, that pay off despite the gut-punch.
    Getting damn near time for a second play through.
  25. luffydude's avatar
    the-running-man31/05/2022 09:36

    Comment deleted

    If you go back to my quote I specifically said "game journos" are out of touch with actual gamers. I disregard that score entirely

    Instead I make my decision whether to buy a game on what actual gamers say as well as a few trusty reviewers like Act Man, ACG, Angry Joe.. that actually take their time to play the game instead of rushing and don't kowtow to developers to get privileged access. Angry Joe took more than a month to get Elden Ring review out for example
  26. CCEAGLE89's avatar
    Technically brilliant (graphics/gameplay/etc.) but the story felt long and drawn out and persoanlly didn't like the angle they took. At this price though it's certainly worth it.
  27. mazzyhope's avatar
    This game is always on sale and they still haven't shifted the initial release day stock
  28. cobrafire's avatar
    Terrific game. Attention to details is incredible. Not the most joyful though..
  29. batezy's avatar
    Thanks Op. I’ve been thinking about this game recently and it’s definitely time for round 2. It’s a great game it really is
  30. pukenukem's avatar
    What a game this is. I mean, I'm never playing it again, I just couldn't take it, but I've never been so emotionally challenged by a computer game. The amount of design detail, I can't recall playing anything where the world felt so real and lived in. Every room, street, building, had a sense of history and uniqueness, which all added to the atmosphere. Brave, challenging, and understandably divisive (I mean this game drains you of all joy at times), but I will never forget playing it, it has branded a mark in my memory forever. (edited)
  31. garlicmayo's avatar
    First one is in my top 10 of all time. Played this one at launch and wasn't the biggest fan. Played the both of them recently back to back, and I have to say I preferred it much more on a second playthrough.
  32. Gajknight's avatar
    Exceptional game. Feels incredible to play, especially at 60fps on PS5. Was easily my game of the year in 2020 and that's saying something with Hades, FF7 Remake and Yakuza LAD.

    An absolute must play.
  33. stephenmichael3785's avatar
    This looks amazing on the ps5 too.
  34. garybb's avatar
    rs_tigerblade29/05/2022 14:33

    I should probably get back to it and then pick this up. I feel like I’m m …I should probably get back to it and then pick this up. I feel like I’m missing out.

    You are
  35. johnboylan12's avatar
    Zephyrzilla29/05/2022 23:07

    Thanks for proving his point.

    You might want to reread his post again.
  36. rapid85's avatar
    nickroll30/05/2022 09:08

    I wouldn't take any notice of that personally, it's too easy to review …I wouldn't take any notice of that personally, it's too easy to review bomb the meta user score without having played the game. I agree with you about the reasons though, it's that and the people who saw the out-of-context spoilers/leaks.

    Or simply people that had a different opinion of the game to you? Meta scores can be boosted just as easily as bombed. I don't know why it's so difficult to accept others have genuine differing opinions to their own.
  37. nickroll's avatar
    A user score that actually takes into account ownership of the game. 4.7/5 = 94/100 - almost exactly the same as the Metacritic score. And still people choose to believe the review-bombed user scores. (edited)
    dbb298's avatar
    Case closed!
  38. Bure11's avatar
    Y_G30/05/2022 01:48

    Nobody’s a bigger fan of the original than me, but part 2 is crap. D …Nobody’s a bigger fan of the original than me, but part 2 is crap. Definitely have it a chance and played it through 3 times aswell and got the platinum & grounded mode. Story is dreadful, characters (including Ellie & Joel even) dreadful and the gameplay is too easy. The suspense came from the difficulty and sense of dread that a mistake is fatal. Load of wishy washy nonsense making the game so easy anyone blind can get the platinum.Simply get a ps5 and play TLOU part 1, preferably on the hardest difficulty. Day 1 ps3 player, day 1 ps4 player for the remaster. Gaming perfection, masterpiece. Very much looking forward to the remade version providing the original difficulty, suspense, and Joel’s brute force type gameplay is maintained. Probably the only post 16 bit era game I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve finished it. 20-30 times at least.

    It's so crap you've played it 3 times and put 50+ hours into it? you've got too much time on your hands!
  39. dbb298's avatar
    I adored this game. Ended up doing 2 playthroughs which I rarely do. I loved the setting, the story and really cared about the characters. I could feel the chill of the snow in the winter scenes and riding through the burning village at the end felt like I was riding into Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

    I strongly encourage everyone to give this a try. If anyone is on the fence given the very vocal critics of this game please keep in mind that this game was review bombed on the day of it's release. That meant people gave bad reviews based on what they heard and hadn't even had the chance to play it. If you are unsure please please give it a go.
  40. bigmo7's avatar
    Played them in order and really liked some the changes they made to the gaming mechanics in this one over the first.

    The story was beautiful - really liked the way they did it and really challenges your perception of the standard these guys are good, those guys are bad, which is invariably the the case in the gaming and movie world.

    One of the few games where I got quite emotionally invested in the characters. Highly recommended.
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