Posted 7 May 2020

[UPDATED] Buy games from any PlayStation PSN region inc. Turkey with FUPS Virtual Visa Card [Oldubil Card Optional] - NO VPN Required

UPDATE 02/01/24 - Message added purely in best interests of members of this forum. Recently, various users have commented on the use of Ininal cards for the purpose of buying "cheaper" games from the Xbox / PSN Turkey Store fronts. This requires providing Ininal with a copy of your UK Passport to obtain the necessary payment card. This "method" has been available for some time, however you will find it is noticeably absent from any of my guides on HUKD and there is a reason for that. Unlike and CryptoPay cards that came before it, Ininal is NOT FCA Regulated, in order words from a UK financial regulation standpoint, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, protecting your personal and passport information, this even extends to funds you hold with them. Ask yourself, do you trust Ininal with your passport information and what are they going to do if you have your personal data, identity or even your money stolen. The answer is nothing. You will have ZERO recourse against Ininal if any of these eventualities happen in the future, and the UK financial regulator will NOT be able to help you. It is unfortunate that FUPS is essentially closed to new users, but it is what it is. It does not matter how "cheap" digital games might be, ask yourself is it really worth risking having your identity stolen for the purpose of saving a few quid on games you might only play the once, or in some cases never at all. There is the old adage of not recommending or advising someone to proceed with a course of action that you would never take yourself, and that is the sole reason Ininal has never been discussed at any point in this guide. If you choose to proceed with applying for their card, you do so entirely at your own risk, and there are many of them. You have been warned, repeatedly. This will be the final update to this guide.

UPDATE 28/10/23: FUPS continues to work on the PlayStation PSN Turkey Store for those with existing FUPS accounts and cards, however signing up for a new FUPS account is currently not possible without a valid Turkish ID. Please note OlduBil cards are no longer accepted on the PlayStation PSN Turkey Store. These changes are due to regulatory changes in Turkey, specifically around the use of "anonymous" pre-paid cards and there are no current known workarounds. The guide will be left as is, in order to assist those with previously activated FUPS accounts.


You will need:

  • FUPS iOS or Android app
  • Temporary Turkish mobile no for receiving FUPS activation SMS (PingMe app recommended - see notes below)
  • Re-loadable FUPS debit card purchased from Plati.Market
  • Access to a Revolut account for converting GBP funds to TRY and loading these funds on to the FUPS card.

1) Firstly, download the FUPS app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. Both are available to download from the UK variants of the Apple and Google Play stores. FUPS is a virtual prepaid debit card issued in Turkey that allows you to pay anywhere in TRY without ID verification, this does however mean that you have a monthly limit of 2,750 TRY - this monthly limit is reset on the 1st of each month. Once you have the app installed, the default language may be changed to English by clicking over the 3 dots to the top right of the screen and selecting English language.

Complete the FUPS registration by entering your first and last name, along with your email address. Continue with the registration and enter the 6 digit code that will be sent to your email address.

2) You will now be required to enter a Turkish mobile phone number. Whilst there is an option present here to enter a UK mobile phone number, rest assured this DOES NOT WORK. The best option for obtaining a temporary Turkish mobile phone number is to use the PingMe app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. Basically, you need to click “Balance Recharge” and select your chosen payment method, note that 2 coins equates to 1 SMS received. On the Apple store, 5 credits costs £5.99. Once your coins are topped up, click “Verification” and select “FUPS” as the website to validate, with Turkey as the Country, and click “Next”. A temporary Turkey mobile number will then be displayed on-screen, if the PingMe app gives you an error that no Turkish number is available, simply refresh or try the process again. Copy and paste the provided Turkish mobile phone number into the FUPS app, you’ll then receive a 6 digit SMS code in PingMe that needs to be entered into the FUPS app for verification. Finish the FUPS app set up by setting your personal PIN.

It is advisable that you make a permanent record of the temporary Turkish number allocated to you, and that you keep that number safe for future reference. Importantly, you will need to specify the number used on registering for FUPS should you ever get locked out of the app, change your mobile phone, reinstall the app, or otherwise need to log back into FUPS at some point again.

3) You now need to buy a FUPS re-loadable debit card from Plati.Market. CARE - You need to buy the actual card, NOT a top up, so avoid any options that say the words “Top Up”or “Recharge”. There will be quite a few sellers on there, try to look for a seller that accepts payments by PayPal, if that is your preference. Note that these are re-loadable cards that can be used time and time again, until the card expiry date.

After payment you will receive an image of the card with a QR code from the seller. Please keep these card details safe and do not dispose of it, as the card details are not viewable from within the FUPS app. In the FUPS app click on “Cards” and scan the QR code and set up a 4 digit PIN to activate the FUPS card in your app.

IMPORTANT! (credit to @amendes & @Confused11811 for helpful security tips): Whilst in the FUPS app, it is recommended that you change the following security settings. Remember, once the FUPS Virtual Visa Card is activated in your app, the card does still exist in physical form somewhere in the world. Whilst the risk of someone using the physical card to spend your own funds is relatively small (we are completely reliant on reputable sellers doing the honest thing and destroying the physical card safely following of the sale of the card to you via Plati.Market), the risk is obviously still there, and you can make changes to security settings in the FUPS app to minimise the risk further. It goes without saying that you should not keep your life savings and/or excess funds on these cards, only ever top up the amount of funds needed to buy what you need at any given time, and nothing more.

Fups App > Cards > Disable "Contactless Transactions"
Fups App > Cards > Settings > Disable "Shopping by Phone or Mail"
Fups App > Cards > Settings > Disable "ATM Usage"

Whilst you are in settings, check the following two options are enabled to ensure the correct functioning of your card on the PlayStation store:

Fups App > Cards > Settings > Enable "Online Shopping"
Fups App > Cards > Settings > Enable "International Use"

4) It is recommended that you use Revolut for converting your funds to Turkish Lira and also for loading these funds on to your FUPS card. Transferring TRY currency to the FUPS card is an instant process.

Firstly load up your Revolut account with the required funds and click “Exchange” in the Revolut app to convert the amount to TRY and complete the conversion of your funds. Then click “Transfer”, then “New” at the top right of the screen and select “Card recipient”, then fill in the required data i.e. your FUPS debit card number and the amount of TRY currency that you wish to transfer over. Note that Revolut will apply a very small charge here for doing so. The sent funds should reach the FUPS app within a few seconds.

Be aware that FUPS will apply a 5% transaction fee to your purchase on the PlayStation Store, please therefore account for this transaction fee when loading Turkish Lira to your FUPS card to ensure there are sufficient funds available for your purchase to go through successfully.

[OPTIONAL] - You can however avoid the 5% transaction charge altogether by paying for your games using an Oldubil card (money can be loaded on to Oldubil from FUPS via a card payment).

5) Add the FUPS Virtual Visa Card as a payment method on PSN (adding card on browser, iOS app and console all work fine), ensuring you use the (fake?) address used when originally setting up your PSN account. Try and be as consistent with this as you can.

6) Proceed to purchase your games on PSN in the usual way, either on the web, app or console. Just to reiterate, this DOES NOT WORK for PS+ and neither VPNs nor proxies will help you.


1) Does this method work with PlayStation PSN game pre-orders?


2) Does this method work with PlayStation Plus subscriptions on the Turkey Store?

No, as far as PS+ goes Sony have geo / BIN blocked these cards on the Turkish Store, but note the recent extortionate PS+ prices rises means this is no longer considered a "cheap" or cost effective option.

3) Oh no! I've been locked out of FUPS / changed mobile phone / re-installed the FUPS app / cannot access my FUPS account / otherwise need to log back into the FUPS app.... what do I do?

Guide credit to @Confused11811

You will need the FUPS Card and CVC numbers, the PIN number you assigned to it during setup, and the details of the temporary Turkish phone number originally used to set up the FUPS app.

FOR FUTURE REFERENCE - To see the Turkish phone number used in the FUPS app, click the "My Profile" icon in the top right corner, and click into "Personal Information". The Turkish phone number starting with +90 is recorded there. As discussed earlier, it is worth saving all this information in a secure location for future reference.

To recover your FUPS account or add to a new phone etc., install the app, change the language to English from the 3 dots in the top right corner.

1 - After opening the app in English select - "Registered, let's go".
2 - Click "I forgot my password".
3 - Enter the Turkish +90 number for the account.
4 - Press "Continue" and enter last 4 numbers of the FUPS card and the CVC number.
5 - Enter your 4 digit card PIN that you setup during the initial registration.
6 - Select "Continue" and set a new six digit number password.
Community Updates
copperspock's avatar
Revolut no longer works folks.
rimz790's avatar
UPDATE: CRYPTOPAY & CRYPTO.COM Don't seem to be working to buy PS Plus at the moment...
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  1. deleted449189's avatar
    Just a quick FYI I am currently in the process of testing 7 new payment card options, these are all at different stages e.g. verification and so on and I will report back with guides as this progresses. From early testing at least one of these is very likely to work for both games and PS+ subs.
    deleted449189's avatar
    Update 1: FUPS is a no go for us in the UK as far as I am concerned, does not work with any combination of console, web, iOS app, with and without VPN or proxy.
  2. deleted449189's avatar
    FYI - The guide has been updated to reflect the fact that CryptoPay, and Spectrocoin cards have been geo / BIN blocked by Sony, i.e. it is no longer possible to buy even games from the Turkey PSN Store using these cards. The only remaining cards that work for game purchases are FUPS and Oldubil, but even then due to Sony price increases on some games it may no longer be cost effective to do so.

    To reiterate, these cards do not work for PS+ subs, but given the recent price hike it is not worth your while seeking out cheap subs in this way anyway.

    I say this only once, I will not be answering any more questions that concern CryptoPay, or Spectrocoin cards, or Turkey PS+.
    stfndt's avatar
    Thanks for all the help you've offered over the years, I appreciate it a lot.
  3. nu1mlock's avatar
    Here's some valuable information for EU visitors: €5 cost for the card

    READ CAREFULLY -- Read everything before you do something!

    First off: I've read that UK residents have been able to add both and cards to their accounts. This post is aimed more at non-UK members of this website.

    This thread has became the default for anyone looking to get cheaper games. I've read several posts from EU users that haven't been able to add any new cards to their Turkish accounts. I personally made a new account and hadn't been able to purchase anything -- until today!

    TL;DR: Swedish (EU) user added new card to Turkish account. Costs €5 for the card. Purchased games and topped up the card.

    I live in Sweden (EU) and only had my personal PSN account. I didn't like that Sony charged me almost €90 for a new game, while retail outlets sell the same games on a disc for less than €50 - and I can even sell that if I would want to.

    So this is how I finally managed to add a card to my new Turkish account and how I topped upp my account with money in case my card would stop working.

    I made a new Turkish account in a web browser (specifically Safari on macOS) and filled in the following for addresses when asked:


    Street: Tevkifhane Sk no 12
    State: Fatih
    City: Istanbul
    Postal code: 34122
    Country: Turkey

    Use a real email address. I didn't have to add the Street when I created the account, but I did add it afterwards in a web browser. Login > Account Settings > Residential address.

    Cards: I haven't tried it. As of writing, it seems like it does not work to add a new card. If you have an old card, it might still work. I got their Midnight Blue (free) card. I haven't been able to add it to my Turkish account, no matter the combination -- see below**. It seems to work for some UK users, but not for any EU users! It worked! Details below.

    ** = Have tried Turkish address, real address, Full name, removed middle name, web browser, PS5. Tried so many times I was blocked three days in a row = a lot of tries.

    What finally worked was the Coinbase virtual Visa card. I personally got it yesterday and today I could add it to my Turkish account (when my daily block was over).

    The Coinbase card is a physical card and costs €5. They will mail that card to your home address. This amount has to be paid for using crypto, meaning BTC, ETH or LTC.

    After you've added €5 of crypto to your Coinbase account and paid for the card, you will get access to a virtual card. This is the card that you add to your Turkish PSN account.

    I added my Coinbase virtual Visa card to my Turkish PSN account from my Safari browser. When filling out this information, use your real information that is from your Coinbase account.

    When the card was added to my PSN account, I could top up my account with 10-200 TL at a time. I was able to do about 4x200TL before I was forced to input a number from an SMS.

    After inputting this SMS code, I was greeted with another page that wanted another code -- just go back and start over and it will work again. That second code was never needed for me (and I never had one to start with).

    At the time of writing, I added enough TL to purchase Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ragnarok Edition + Diablo 2 Resurrected. After that, I added enough to be close to 1200 TL that I've read is the limit.

    Please note that I've added all funds through the Playstation 5 Settings > Users > Account. I was NOT able to add funds via a web browser. I could add all funds in a row (200 TL at a time). When asked for SMS code, I entered the one I got. When asked for another code I just went back and started over - it would work next time.

    A medal for me for this write-up, thank you very much.

    Edit: I personally use Revolut to fund my Revolut card for free. I then send EUR from Revolut to Coinbase for free. It is instantly received on Coinbase as EUR. I then go to, add funds from Coinbase, exchange for LTC, withdraw to Coinbase.

    That way I get much lower fees compared to buying LTC directly from Coinbase GUI. Coinbase Pro is a part of Coinbase and transfers between them are instant. (edited)
    Vadims_Smirnovs's avatar
    Does this method still works?
  4. Papso's avatar
    As ian7891 mentioned, proxy via ps5 network settings works for subs, I just stacked until 2026.

    go to the on a browser.

    go to your ps5 network settings.

    look for your wifi and press the start button and advanced settings. Set proxy to USE.

    put the IP address in from one of them on the list on your browser, then put the port number in, it’s right next to the IP address on that page (eg, 8080)

    now this part is kind of tricky since there’s no way of knowing if it will work or not since my internet and Psn showed as not signed in but the purchase still went through. The one that worked for me connected for a brief second but then when I went to test the connection it wouldn’t show as signed in, I thought what the hell it showed it worked for a split second so I tried the purchase anyway and it went through.

    I didn’t go to the store page, I went straight into my user settings and subscription settings then hit the buy again button. It connected once, second payment didn’t connect but the 3rd and 4th went through.

    it’s hit and miss and a little time consuming but it works for subs.

    credits to ian7891 for discovering this.

    edit: I used crypto card but cryptopay seems to work too. You can also add funds to wallet and pay for subs like that with the method above. (edited)
    mikanime's avatar
    PS+ subscription OK
    it worked for us (50+ from Dealabs/HotUKdeals/MyDealz) but only using the wallet (not the credit card) - Wifi or LAN with Proxy (without VPN!)

    EDIT : only works on PS5, no solution for PS4 yet
    EDIT2 : proxy server initially proposed no longer works
    I had to change and take another from the list:

    complete procedure if necessary (use Google translation )
    only works on PS5

    Thank you so much for the tip!!! - &

    49119533_1.jpg49119533_1.jpg (edited)
  5. deleted449189's avatar
    Guys, the thread is over 8,500 comments deep now, and since the creation of the thread a lot has changed. I think at this point there needs to be a general acceptance that the thread was created for UK based people in mind. Over time there has been a lot of visitors from the EU and beyond, but with the way that Sony are evidently cracking down on this sort of thing unless someone UK based in willing to up sticks to Europe (taking their PS5 with them) nobody here can offer any realistic means of support. e.g. nobody in the UK can reasonably replicate an overseas technical barrier or challenge to doing this that needs a solution. Falling out with each other simply is not going to help the situation. If you are EU based (for example) I would highly recommend reviewing the equivalent help guides at other Pepper sites such MyDealz and Dealabs. Users of those forums such as Kenixa and Mikanime are very experienced at doing this from an EU perspective.…083…309
    WannaCry89_'s avatar
    Someone who got fups card, how to bypass ID check? I attach screenshot thanks in advance to those who will answer me.
    50556338-V4bYb.jpg (edited)
  6. 3LeggedDog's avatar
    Just managed to stack 5 years of extra for approx £79.53
    This is how I did it:

    - Joined cryptopay, verified ID. I topped up cryptopay virtual debit card by £80 by first making a bank transfer to top up the GBP wallet in the app and then transferring this to the virtual visa
    - set up new turkey Ps account with different email address from console. Used a Turkish address of a hotel that I've visited before.
    - used console to try signing up which didn't work but at least I added the card that way with no issues.
    - purchased first year of Ps plus essential for 240TL via Ps app on android.
    - purchased 4 more years of essential by going to manage subscriptions > buy more in the app.
    - I then tried to change tier and was then offered either Extra for 405TL or Deluxe for 545TL. I didn't have enough funds in my Cryptopay card for the Deluxe and couldn't be bothered waiting another 2 hours for another bank transfer to go through so went for extra. Thought I could upgrade to Deluxe for the difference (140) later but now that I have Extra it's wanting 300TL to upgrade. About £10 extra to do it that way. Not that bothered about ps1 games and game demos so will keep extra for now.

    All in all 5 years of Ps plus extra for £80 is absolutely amazing!

    I don't think there's a limit to 5 years either I could keep buying if I wanted. Thought 5 years was enough though
    mikanime's avatar
    I transcribed your feedback for the French tutorial on Dealabs.

    Note that it also works from the browser (PC) : "Buy Again"
  7. WaxMechaniK's avatar
    Thanks for this! It took a few days of effort due to the approval waiting process, but got there in the end. Just purchased the digital version of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 for about £22 instead of £40.

    My process was:
    1. Downloaded iOS app and created an account. Approved with driving license within an hour.
    2. Signed up for Midnight Blue card. Waited just under 2 days for the card to be approved. (Was in 'Pending' status during this time). Had an email notification to confirm.
    3. Browsed Turkish PSN store to find the price of the item(s) I wanted to buy and used Google's conversion tool to calculate how much it will cost in Pound Sterling.
    4. Topped up with the converted cost with an extra £1 just in case using my UK debit card and UK details.
    5. Created a new PSN account with a new/unused Gmail account and selected Turkey as region. Used real name and date of birth, but used the following address details; City: Istanbul, State: Fatih, Postcode: 4091.
    6. Added the virtual card as a payment method, just like a debit card. Used my own UK address including UK postcode, but left country as Turkey (you can't change the country anyway).
    7. Purchased the game with the new account and new payment method (I used a web browser for this, but I'm sure you an do it on any device including the console).
    8. Created a new console user account on the PS5, added the new Turkish PSN account details.
    9. Downloaded the newly purchased game on the Turkish account.
    10. Signed out and switched back to my usual UK PSN account and the game was there ready to play.

    The only parts of the process that involved having to wait were approving the account (1 hour) and approving the virtual card (<2 days). I did not order the physical card. Everything else was instantaneous.

    I could have created the Turkish PSN account first, then the account if I wanted.

    Question: I currently have 64p leftover in my Not sure if I should leave that there or do something with it? (edited)
    carddealer's avatar
    Great stuff and a superb post that will help many people on here!

    As far as the balance on the card, it should be fine just leaving it - I had about £9 on mine since the end of September and used it a few days ago - no issues and no fees were taken in the 6 weeks that I hadn't used the card. (edited)
  8. Dacek2's avatar
    06. May 2023
    I tried it through this app
    Free VPN Turkey APP
    1. Install it on your phone (i used IT on my S22 Ultra)
    2. Turn off wifi on your phone
    3. Choose Turkey server hit connect
    4. Create hotspot from your phone
    5. Connect your PS5 to your hotspot created on your phone
    6. Add bank card (i added cryptopay card and everything worked for me)
    7. Save money
    Do what you want if you want to buy PS+ for cheap you Can, buy cheap games legally It let you do this.. this is i think the easiest way as i wroted everything worked for me 06. May 2023
    I live in Slovak Republic
    weeklycoconut's avatar
    Beautiful stuff here, need similar app for iOS!
  9. deleted449189's avatar
    Posted this elsewhere but copying here for exposure, given changes and increasing visitors here from Europe it is important to understand how they work (or don’t) for those of us in UK..


    This is more a change of the issuing bank or payment processor. The previous card issuing authority had two ‘branches’ in UK and Lithuania, the mismatch and payment success will probably come from transactions made against the latter issued cards. They are moving to a provider based out of Lithuania so this situation may improve.

    It’s important to understand why these cards have worked to date. Crypto virtual cards usually originate from payment providers outside the UK, by and large verified by visa cannot be run successfully against these cards and so where addresses are fudged payments generally go through albeit with the odd error. Only recently some of these cards were issued by a payment authority in the USA. People on here from Europe scouring for hints just aren’t going to get the same experience. The odd few may get lucky but that is about it. Whilst well intended it does get in the way of UK users finding the info they need here.

    I mean well but after all it’s a local forum for local people.
  10. ReflexReact's avatar
    After days of trying, I was finally able to upgrade my Turkish PS+ subscription via a Turkish proxy + topping up wallet + GBP virtual card. I have also added over £100 to by wallet so that if they block CryptoPay cards, I can still buy Turkish games for a while. It's a bit of a risk (I guess they could shut down my Turkish PSN account), but it seems a worthwhile gamble.

    It looks like Sony appear to block your card for 24 hours if you use it outside of a Turkey proxy (VPN doesn't work). It also does not work outside of the console under any circumstances. I believe this is because using a previously stored card, from the console, does not force a OTP. The OTP process, despite happening, seems to fail and they are blocking this, which then leads to the card being blocked from any further attempts for 24 hours.

    I was able to use the following proxy settings which is still working at this specific time:

    Port Number: 8080

    After rebooting my console, it's showing as failed internet connection. However, it still appears to work. Good luck to all, and thanks for the info! (edited)
    Mk_Patel's avatar
    Hi mate, I click purchase and it says that something went wrong, do you know what this means?
  11. Sam2xp's avatar
    I went ahead and setup FUPS, whole setup took about 20mins and managed to purchase a game successfully. No issues at all
    - Downloaded FUPS app
    - Registered and changed language to English (Top right 3 dots > top option)
    - Got to the step where it asks for phone number, changed to turkish number
    - Purchased FUPS card and Phone number service from…UPS
    - Entered phone number provided > confirmation code and confirmed account
    - Added the FUPS card to my account via QR code (Click identify card)
    The above is one time setup, below is what is needed for topping up
    - Add money to your Revolut account and exchange it to TRY
    - Transfer it to your FUPS card via Revolut (Bottom of screen)
    - Check FUPS app for confirmation of funds
    - Add card to your PSN via website (press the "Use residential address" button)

    That's pretty much it, you're ready to purchase games again from Turkish store (edited)
    LazyAce's avatar
    Used this and JoeyDs guide had it set up in about 15 mins. Time to get my Spider 2 preorder in before anything else gets blocked!
  12. deleted2805905's avatar
    Will good if mod pin or write down in main post to all peoples see that.

    Not working:
    Revolut - Visa (worked long time ago) - Visa (EU account) (worked long time ago)
    Icard - Visa
    Binance - Visa
    Wirex - Mastercard
    MyTu - Prepaid Mastercard
    Bankera - Visa
    Paysend - Mastercard
    SweepBank - Mastercard
    Swedbank - Mastercard
    Curve - Mastercard
    Bunq - Mastercard
    Joompay - Visa (early working)
    Trastra - Visa
    Genome - Visa
    Vivid - Visa
    Crypterium - Visa
    Change: Bitcoin Wallet - Visa
    Omniwire - Mastercard
    Tap - Buy and Send Bitcoin - Mastercard
    Sync - Mastercard
    Conotoxia - Visa
    DiPocket - Mastercard
    PayDay - Mastercard
    PayQuin - Visa
    Bitsika - Mastercard
    Monese - Mastercard
    Nexo Wallet - Mastercard (Dipocket Card)
    W1TTY - Visa
    Ozan SuperApp - Visa
    Moneybase - Mastercard

    Maybe more, dont remember all services.

    CryptoPay - Visa - no fee for emty card
    YooMoney - Visa - (tested long time ago)(at this War time its not posible to TopUp)
    Monolith - Visa - (tested long time ago) - Visa (UK account not EU)(Not tested by me)

    After testing results, work mostly Visa, noone Mastercard work and worked early.

    Need to test:
    ADV Europe Virtual
    Klinxcard (edited)
    andrei.rustior's avatar
    I'm having a hard time using cryptopay card to pay, I managed to add it once a few days ago and when I tried to use it, it said an error occured. I removed it in the meantime to add a card which I see is now unusable as well, now I can't add the cryptopay card back. When I registered the account I used 34025 Istanbul postal code, can you help with an address I can use when I add the card back? My discord : CYBER GANGSTAR#4200
  13. deleted449189's avatar
    FYI for anyone thinking of doing this or in need of a FUPS card, the legit & reliable seller "Turkish Broker" on Plati.Market is having a 24 hour 40% off FUPS card sale...…417
    rohaanmishra's avatar
    Dear - How do I save the 5% from the transfer from FUPS to OlduBil? Is there a guide to sign up for OlduBil?
  14. Nath4n's avatar
    I wanted to upgrade my Turkey PSN from Essential to Extra. The PSN Store actually offered me a 25% discount to do this!
    After reading the recent posts I thought it was going to be an awful experience but it was actually very easy. Perhaps I got lucky but what I did was:

    - Ensured my card had £1 more than the XE exchange rate vs what I was being quoted in TL to upgrade to Extra.
    - Entered the Proxy details kindly shared by ReflexReact below, i.e.:

    Port Number: 8080

    - I received a connection error message but proceeded anyway and the PS Store loaded fine. I did not restart my console.
    - I did not top up the wallet, I just went to upgrade PS+ subscription and purchased the quoted upgrade as a single transaction using my previously saved card.
    - The transaction went through smoothly on first attempt.
    - I removed the proxy details from settings.

    Hope that helps.
    karl-el's avatar
    Using a proxy won't get you banned? I have trouble extending my deluxe sub and topping up my wallet but I can buy games just fine through the console. I have cryptopay. (edited)
  15. RIP_RRP's avatar
    People are asking the same questions over and over so can we get a sticky or something?

    If you have a FUPS account that is currently activated and you have a functioning card it should still work.

    FUPS new sign ups now require a Turkish ID number. You may be able to sign up on the website if you can find a temporary phone number which is not a one time use - but this is unconfirmed.

    Oldubil is still working but people have received emailed suggesting it may cease to work soon so you might not want to top it up with anymore than you need for your purchase.

    Cryptopay/ etc do not work anymore.

    Did I miss anything?
    Barrons's avatar
    doesnt require turkish id number if you sign up direct via the website. thats the only work around at the moment to dodge the turkish id needed. use laptop or desktop to do it to get full website. dont register via app from ios or google play store.
  16. ht96's avatar
    Thanks for this information shared here - process was seamless. My bro was about to purchase 12M for £49.99 on the UK store! Luckily I purchased 2 years for myself in April so had the virtual card all verified and set up but the process has the new hurdle of a proxy since then (I didn't try it w/o proxy as I did in April). If it helps here's what what I did and didn't get a single error:

    1. New account on PS5 - set country to Turkey and find a turkey address to use (keep note of this address)

    2. Add card to new account in the PS5 settings - use the Turkey address above as billing address (yes the recent guides say to use your actual billing address, but I followed what I done last time)

    3. Top up FIAT wallet and transfer the funds to the card. Make sure to add a little extra for transaction fees and exchange rate differences (I needed about 3% more than google showed)

    4. Go to PS5 network settings and toggle the connect to internet twice to be able to press options button on your wifi - then advanced settings - then add the following proxy provided by sam2xp (if reading in future and this proxy is down - you may need to use this guide to find your own - below working at 9/1/22):
    Add proxy to your PS5 (connection may fail but purchase anyway)
    - Proxy server: Use
    - Address:
    - Port number: 9090
    You will get a "unable to connect" error after a minute of trying to connect with this proxy - but usually the internet is working and you can ignore the error - try to go on the PS Store and if it's loading content fine then you're good despite the error

    5. Go to PS Store -> PS Plus -> Subscriptions -> Find your subscription (might need to press R2 to get to essential) -> purchase it directly from store -> stack if needed (I didn't)

    6. To disable auto-renew - go to accounts in settings -> subscriptions -> ps plus -> cancel subscription -> confirm (your sub is still active until you paid for)

    7. Go to settings -> network and then disable the proxy you used on your wifi settings
    Deal888's avatar
    Amazing that worked! Thank you
  17. captainhazza's avatar
    Edit - thanks for suggestions!

    PS5 - purchase psn subscription and games:

    Thanks to this thread I've managed to stack 3 years of ps extra for about £60. I missed the pre-Christmas deal but wanted to stack before the exploits were nerfed by Sony...

    Here's how it worked for me:
    1. Set up a psn profile with a new, previously unused email, with the country set to Turkey.
    2. Set up a crypto pay account with my home address.
    3. Apply for a cryptopay virtual card (took a few days to confirm all ID in the app and finally get my first deposit in).
    4.Top up the cryptopay card with enough to cover the cost of 1/2/3 years of Psn. Its a good idea to add a little bit extra to cover small fees.
    5.Add cryptocard as payment on psn. Use your full home address, but leave country as Turkey.
    6.Use the simple guide above (translated to English!) to connect to a Turkish proxy.
    7.Once connected (it can take a few attempts, but works eventually) head to profile, accounts and top up. Use the crypto card to add multiples of 200tl until you have enough.
    8.Head to subscriptions and choose the psn you want - repeat to stack.
    9.Once finished, turn off the proxy and get playing!

    Buying games was far more simple and works directly from the card without any proxy. You must ensure you have enough credit on the card, but that's it! (edited)
    mikanime's avatar
    perfect summary

    slight adjustment :
    6. connect to a Turkish "Proxy"*

    9. ...turn off the "proxy"*

    ...because in the end we don't use a VPN

    we will remind that it does not work from a PS4 (edited)
  18. Jimd2's avatar
    Prices have doubled/tripled again yesterday on many titles and even some that are currently on sale (Persona 3/4, RE7 Gold) which feels wrong lol. Other titles that have gone up include GoW Ragnarok, RDR2, Hogwarts Legacy from 899TL to 1699TL, Last of Us Part 1, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Watch Dogs 2, The Quarry, Sifu and Far Cry 6.

    Hopefully we'll continue to find good deals but it looks like Sony are slowly but surely increasing prices of everything on their store. I really can't understand the greed of it all especially after the ridiculous 400% PS+ price increase from a few months ago. They've also blocked 99% of routes to even purchasing from their store so it's a shame that they're continuing to make their Turkish customers suffer just to spite the small % of customers using their store from abroad. Sad state of things really just for a little bit more profit.
    leeblack83's avatar
    Be interesting if they actually make or lose money by the massive increases, more will be selective with purchases, guess sony can do what they like as not like they have any competition when comes to digital games
  19. deleted449189's avatar
    UPDATE - NEW METHOD: Re-loadable FUPS virtual card. GAMES ONLY, DOES NOT WORK WITH PS+. This card also works on Xbox Turkey store for games, Xbox Live and Game Pass (no VPN required).

    You will need:

    • FUPS iOS or Android app
    • Temporary Turkish mobile no for receiving FUPS activation SMS (I recommend that you use PingMe app - see notes below)
    • Re-loadable FUPS debit card purchased from Plati.Market
    • Access to a Revolut account for converting GBP funds to TRY and loading these funds on to the FUPS card.

    1) Firstly, download the FUPS app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. Both are available to download from the UK variants of the Apple and Google Play stores. FUPS is a virtual prepaid debit card issued in Turkey that allows you to pay anywhere in TRY without ID verification, this does however mean that you have a monthly limit of 2,750 TRY. Once you have the app installed, the default language may be changed to English by clicking over the 3 dots to the top right of the screen and selecting English language.

    Complete the FUPS registration by entering your first and last name, along with your email address. Continue with the registration and enter the 6 digit code that will be sent to your email address.

    2) You will now be required to enter a Turkish mobile phone number. Whilst there is an option present here to enter a UK mobile phone number, rest assured this DOES NOT WORK. The best option for obtaining a temporary Turkish mobile phone number is to use the PingMe app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. Basically, you need to click “Balance Recharge” and select your chosen payment method, note that 2 coins equates to 1 SMS received. On the Apple store, 5 credits costs £5.99. Once your coins are topped up, click “Verification” and select “FUPS” as the website to validate, with Turkey as the Country, and click “Next”. A temporary Turkey mobile number will then be displayed on-screen, if the PingMe app gives you an error that no Turkish number is available, simply refresh or try the process again. Copy and paste the provided Turkish mobile phone number into the FUPS app, you’ll then receive a 6 digit SMS code in PingMe that needs to be entered into the FUPS app for verification. Finish the FUPS app set up by setting your personal PIN.

    3) You now need to buy a FUPS re-loadable debit card from Plati.Market. CARE - You need to buy the actual card, NOT a top up, so avoid any options that say the words “Top Up”or “Recharge”. There will be quite a few sellers on there, try to look for a seller that accepts payments by PayPal, if that is your preference. Note that these are re-loadable cards that can be used time and time again, until the card expiry date.

    After payment you will receive an image of the card with a QR code from the seller. Please keep these card details safe and do not dispose of it, as the card details are not viewable from within the FUPS app. In the FUPS app click on “Cards” and scan the QR code and set up a 4 digit PIN to activate the FUPS card in your app.

    4) It is recommended that you use Revolut for converting your funds to Turkish Lira and also for loading these funds on to your FUPS card. Transferring TRY currency to the FUPS card is an instant process.

    Firstly load up your Revolut account with the required funds and click “Exchange” in the Revolut app to convert the amount to TRY and complete the conversion of your funds. Then click “Transfer”, then “New” at the top right of the screen and select “Card recipient”, then fill in the required data i.e. your FUPS debit card number and the amount of TRY currency that you wish to transfer over. Note that Revolut will apply a very small charge here for doing so. The sent funds should reach the FUPS within a few seconds.

    Important - DO NOT uninstall the FUPS app or otherwise log out of the FUPS app under any circumstances, or you will lose access to the card. Note that I have tested the repeated opening and closing of the iOS FUPS app, it simply asks for your PIN on loading the app and all the account and card information is displayed.

    5) Add the FUPS Virtual Visa Card as a payment method on PSN (adding card on browser, iOS app and console all work fine), ensuring you use the (fake?) address used when originally setting up your PSN account. Try and be as consistent with this as you can.

    6) Proceed to purchase your games on PSN in the usual way, either on the web, app or console. Just to reiterate, this DOES NOT WORK for PS+ and neither VPNs nor proxies will help you. (edited)
    Spark's avatar
    This thing is amazing. The card ended up costing me around £4 because the cheaper sellers didn't seem to accept PayPal but I used Google reward credit for the PingMe app so it wasn't too bad. The fees are definitely lower than Crypto.

    Just a piece of advice btw, switch the FUPS app to English rather than being an idiot like me and struggling to get through the process in Turkish before finding the English option.
  20. prynolfc's avatar
    Stay clear of anything to do with revolut, they robbed over £100 off me by cancelling/ blocking my account and i did nothing wrong, look on youtube, twitter, google etc... they have done this to many people, some have lost thousands.
  21. Sam2xp's avatar
    Just want to clear some misinformation from recent comments
    - Can still purchase games from Turkish account (UK resident)
    - Games can still be played from my UK account
    - PS Plus still works
    - Pre-Orders still work (Just pre-ordered Fate/Samurai Remnant)
    InfoAddict's avatar
    Yes same here. Sounds like these might be issues people are having individually rather than a Turkish PSN conspiracy.
  22. EightBitBebop's avatar
    Any more updates on the ininal method?
    deleted449189's avatar
    Just to again make people aware, they are neither EU nor FCA regulated, when sharing your personal data ie passport with them you do so at your own risk. I cannot stress this enough. I don’t care how cheap games are on the Turkish Store, I personally would not go down this route hence it is not discussed as being an option in the guide.
  23. deleted449189's avatar
    FYI I have made some important updates to the guide, these are long overdue. Please note that I have been unable to edit this post for approx 6 months. If you need help please tag me as I do not otherwise receive notifications.
  24. devinh's avatar
    just managed to do this using the proxy : 8080

    didn't use the funding method just went straight onto the ps plus page and it worked, hope this helps someone!

    got the proxy from…tr/
    SwearyMary's avatar
    Worked a treat with the proxy above. 12 months of extra for £16.60.

    I needed the proxy enabled to top up my wallet, used card.
  25. manlikemish's avatar
    Finally managed to get two more years of deluxe at just under £19 both times!

    I used…all & to find the proxies

    Then used…er/ to filter out which ones are working or not (just copy and paste the proxies in the following format e.g 1178.18.206.184:53128 this one worked for me at 18:00 02/05/23). Best way is to copy and paste all the proxies into an excel file and then copy across to the proxy checker.

    If the proxy works you can proceed to settings> Users and accounts > Account > Payments and subscriptions > Subscriptions > Playstation plus. Now click buy again and choose your subscription.

    Click order and pay, you may have to keep spamming but eventually it goes through!

    The main thing here is to ensure that you have enough funds on cards and that the proxy you using is connected to the PSN network otherwise you wont even be able to access the payments and subscription page or PSN store.

    Best of luck to everyone! it can be quite time consuming finding the right proxy but once found its satisfying saving yourself 80 quid a year on the premium version of PSN!
    kenny009uk's avatar
    Did you use crypto or cryptopay
  26. Madforit's avatar
    I’ve just purchased a 12 months Indian ps plus extra subscription by adding funds to wallet using psn gift cards bought from Amazon India and seagm (indian ps account required). Total cost approx £55.
    1000 and 500 rupee gift cards were out of stock on Amazon India so I bought 2x 2000 from there and 1x 1000 and 1x500 from seagm.
    revolut and monzo cards failed on both sites, so I used a credit card which worked flawlessly. PayPal was also an option but I didn’t use it. (edited)
    Sharp07's avatar
    That’s good to know. So all you have to do is set up a new Indian PSN account with generated address and purchase gifts cards to add to your Indian psn wallet right?
  27. ian7891's avatar
    Quick fix for getting ps+ subs working with crypto again. Use a proxy server.
    mansan10's avatar
    Can you explain further?

    I tried using the PS App on my phone whilst I was VPN'd to Istanbul and getting errors so interested to hear what you did to get the ps+ sub working! Cheers
  28. deleted449189's avatar


    Please note getting this all set up is, as I have found, not an immediate process and can take up to approx 7 days to get verified by Spectrocoin. I would recommend going for either of the other two Crypto Cards named in the guide first if you are doing this for the first time, but if they don't work or you are otherwise low on options by all means apply for this card as it does work flawlessly with game purchases on PSN Turkey. If you are thinking about using this card in the upcoming PSN Summer Sale, get this set up in advance and do not leave it until the last minute.

    Note - if you are EU based you may have some success in getting Spectrocoin to work with games, however I recommend you refer to Mikanime's tutorial on Dealabs. This guide is intended for people residing in the UK.

    1) Apply for an account at via a web browser - their app is not available to UK users on either iOS or Android. You will need to pass verification and their KYC and Anti-Money Laundering procedures as per the other two Crypto Cards. Note that Spectrocoin are governed by EU law and not UK regulations, although they are required to report to the UK tax office where deemed necessary, and so you will be required to provide a copy of your passport for these purposes. Again this is an EU based financial institution and your UK driving licence means nothing to them for KYC purposes. If you are not comfortable providing a copy of your passport, do not apply for the account. Please note this is not an instant process, verification of accounts can take up to about one week. Some patience is needed.

    2) You will be given GBP, EU and USD Fiat wallets by default, although it is probably wise to consider the Euro as your base currency here, for reasons that will follow. You are able to top up your account by making an international SEPA payment, Spectrocoin will provide you with their IBAN details and a payment reference for this purpose (IMPORTANT - these details are unique to each payment transfer, see below). From testing, if you make a SEPA payment via Revolut, neither Revolut nor Spectrocoin will charge any fees to complete the transfer. Whilst Revolut will mark the SEPA transfer as having been completed instantly, it may take up to 2 working days for Spectrocoin to add the funds to your account, i.e. if you make the transfer on a Friday, don't expect the payment to reach your Spectrocoin account until Monday at the earliest. Hounding their online support staff will not speed this process up. The minimum top up is 0.01 EUR.

    IMPORTANT - Process for topping up Spectrocoin account.

    On, go to 'Deposit' > 'Bank' > 'SEPA'. DO NOT choose 'Faster Payments', it is technically speaking not the same Faster Payments service offered by UK banks and charges WILL apply.

    Enter the amount of Euros you wish to top up and click 'Next'. On the following screen an 'account number' (IBAN number starting LT) and 'Request Number' will be displayed. Make a note of these quickly as the Spectrocoin website has habit of logging you out with little activity. Important, don't simply close the page, scroll down and click 'Done'.

    Head to Revolut to make a SEPA transfer to Spectrocoin. In the Revolut app click 'Transfer' > '+New' > 'Send International', select 'Lithuania'. On the next screen complete the currency / amount field, select 'Bank Account' as Transfer Method and IMPORTANTLY, enter the 'Request Number' given to you by Spectrocoin (as per the above step) in the 'Reference' field. If you do not do this correctly your payment may not be credited by Spectrocoin or returned to Revolut. Click 'Continue' > '+New', select 'Business', enter the IBAN number starting LT given to you by Spectrocoin, enter "Spectro Finance OU" as the company name, along with your email address (optional), and then click 'Add Recipient'. Proceed to finalise the SEPA payment of your Euro currency to Spectrocoin. Just to reiterate, allow up to 2 working days for the funds to be credited to your Spectrocoin account.

    3) Once your Spectrocoin account has been topped up and your account verified, proceed to order a Virtual Card by heading to 'Cards' at the top of the account screen. There is no charge for the issuing of the virtual card, and they can be used instantly. In order to load the card, click 'Card' select your virtual card on screen, then click 'Load Card' and proceed to move EUR funds from your EUR Fiat wallet to the card. There are no feeds for the loading of funds to the card, there are also no fees for unloading the card.

    Note - you cannot hold Turkish Lira in the Spectrocoin wallet or therefore load TRY on to the card, e.g. you are perfectly fine loading up EUR currency for this purpose.

    4) Add the Virtual Visa Card as a payment method on PSN (adding card on browser, iOS app and console all work fine), ensuring you use the (fake?) address used when originally setting up your PSN account. Try and be as consistent with this as you can.

    5) Proceed to purchase your games on PSN in the usual way, either on the web, app or console. Just to reiterate, this DOES NOT WORK for PS+ and neither VPNs nor proxies will help you. Currency conversion rates used by Spectrocoin at point of purchase are broadly in line with the rates used on Google Currency Converter.
    Anto_Cannell's avatar
    Did you have a active ps plus subscription when you tried for ps plus ? Curious as when I used cryptopay it wouldn'tet me renew or stack , something went wrong error until it auto renewe
  29. nu1mlock's avatar
    Szabi0028/05/2022 00:09

    Could you elaborate this part? I bought crypto directly from them and …Could you elaborate this part? I bought crypto directly from them and there is a 1 EUR fee every 10 euros.Also -reading previous comments and the numerously edited original post- this credit card method will get patched by Sony. But since I have already added my card I should be safe (until it expires), right? Should I stock up TL credits on my account over the years? Thank you everyone in the forum you've been much help!

    This is how I add money to my Coinbase card:

    1. Add money to Revolut (free)
    2. Send money from Revolut to Coinbase (free)
    3. Transfer money from Coinbase to Coinbase Pro
    4. Buy LTC (or ETH, BTC)
    5. Withdraw crypto back to Coinbase
    6. Use card on console

    I can only speak for me as a Swede, but Revolut has no fee for adding money from my card to Revolut. Maybe on weekends, they add a fee for conversion, but on week days it is free.
  30. xT-g-K's avatar worked as of 5 minutes ago. Ran out of loaded funds on my cryptopay card but managed to stack 4 years of PS Plus Extra by adding funds and purchasing through the settings tab.
    ghazzaoui.abdel's avatar
    Hey bro thanks you saved my ass after an hour of trying proxies . Which website you found this one ?
  31. deleted449189's avatar
    I’ve just seen the odd comment about PSN accounts being banned in relation to CryptoPay purchases, sorry I have been in hospital for the last few weeks, can anyone give me a run down on what has changed please?
    mikanime's avatar
    Hi! Very happy to see you again, I hope everything is going well for you now.

    Inevitably the tutorial has since dispersed and lacked structure

    I don't know about the Cryptopay concern, they seem to be looking for stability before they can generate new cards for new customers (UK not concerned). There have also been some PSN account bans since Cryptopay payments were rejected by Sony which resulted in the PSN account ban. (see here and here)

    On the other hand, since 12/15/2022 it is no longer possible to subscribe to PS+ or load your Wallet directly (direct game purchase not affected), you have to go through a PS5 (PS4 no working) by forcing a Turkish proxy manually. (Origin of the trick here) - Thank you so much for the tip!!! - @ian7891 & @Papso

    Other methods have since emerged using the Safari browser (Apple) or via the PS App on IOs without having to use a proxy.

    The Turkish Wallet cap is now 5000 TL (1250 TL before) (edited)
  32. KULMI_TM's avatar
    Fo the 05.03. succeed adding one more year to my Turkey PS+ on PC with the proxy - 8080

    It didn't go first try but i just tried few times and succeed

    EDIT:: I just Got funds on my PSN Acc with my Cryptopay card and that's the way iot Worked for me! (edited)
    Skendders_22's avatar
    Used this Proxy on PS5 and finally got one to work. But it was with Crypto rather than Cryptopay. Cryptopay just wouldn't work (edited)
  33. deleted449189's avatar
    Just to recap on the changes, we now have 4 working payment methods, for games at least...


    I highly suspect Oldubil will work for games too, but it is very difficult to load Turkish Lira on to the card without having a FUPS card available, so from a PSN perspective for users in the UK Oldubil is a bit of a pointless card to have, if you don't already have one available.

    These cards may or may not work for PS+ purchases, but a proxy will need to be utilised and you must understand it increases the risk, however small that is, of you ending up with an account ban.
  34. cameronwba's avatar

    I signed up for a card using the method above. After a couple of errors with "something went wrong" when paying on the console on the third try it accepted my payment and I have PS+ Deluxe!


    1. Apply for a card per the instructions in the deal (METHOD 1). Add the card to the Turkish PSN account as described in Method 1.
    2. Once you have a virtual card that has been added to the Turkish PSN account, add GBP directly to the card (min. £20 top up). I used Revolut without issues.
    3. Select the PS+ subscription tier you want (e.g. PS+ Deluxe at 460 TL) and proceed to checkout. On a couple of occasions when attempting to check out the "Something went wrong" message may appear. Persist with checking out as it will eventually take you to the VISA authentication page. Input the VISA code you receive via text message and it will finalise the payment (~£14).4.
    Rinse and repeat for adding on additional years.

    Q. Does Cryptopay work for purchasing PS+?
    A. NO. Cryptopay is no longer a viable method for purchasing PS+, either via VPN or a proxy server. At the last testing of Cryptopay, it is still possible to use this card for purchasing PSN games and, with "luck" wallet funds, but NOT PS+.

    Q. Do I need to use a VPN or a proxy server to complete the purchase?
    A. NO. A VPN or proxy is NOT required for purchasing PS+.

    Q. Can I check out using the Web browser or PSN App?

    A. NO. You can only purchase games and PS+ using via the console.

    Q. I am having issues adding the card to my account, what can I do?
    A. Check the address you registered the Turkish PSN account within your Account Management settings. Here, it will not provide the street address, only the city, province and postcode. The addition of the card to the PSN account requires a valid street address. Hopefully, you chose something sensible like a hotel when registering the account! If you cannot provide a valid street address and number IT WILL NOT WORK!

    Q. Can I use my wallet balance to purchase PS+?
    A. NO. You CANNOT use the full balance of your PSN wallet to purchase PS+. You can, however, use partial wallet funds and pay the remaining balance via the card. I was able to purchase PS+ by doing this method where it would not check out when using solely my wallet balance. I had to pay ~120 TL from my card.

    Q. Can I use to purchase games?
    A. I have not tested personally but suspect it is possible.

    Q. Can I do a bank transfer to my account and then top-up the virtual card?
    A. YES, however, it is recommended to directly to-up the card with a minimum of £20 as there is no guarantee of funds appearing in your account if doing a bank transfer, which also takes significantly longer. Funds instantly appear when performing a direct card top-up. (edited)
    RonMcDon_TopShotta's avatar
    It worked for me this week lad. Need to either:

    1) Keep spamming it and hope for the best
    2) Use a VPN
    3) Combination of the both
  35. James_Ward's avatar
    Both Oldubil and Fups worked for me as of right now
    deleted449189's avatar
    Until either OlduBil or FUPS can offer any clarification it is not advisable to load any further funds onto these cards, just as precaution if nothing else.
  36. ZEE511AN's avatar
    Can I share my turkey account with other PS5 consoles and have them all on console sharing and offline play?
    mossmanfly's avatar
    No. You can only enable 1 PS5 to console share per account. So, your Turkey account needs your PS5 as its primary console, which means any account on your PS5 can play games from that Turket account. A 2nd PS5 can log into your Turkey account, but they will only be able to play the games available on the Turkey account while logged in to that account. (edited)
  37. deleted449189's avatar

    I am looking to update the guide to include information on utilising proxies for purchasing PS+ subs only, given the increasing number of questions being asked, however this is not something I am overly familiar with as I personally have not needed to use proxies in any shape or form in the 2 - 3 years I have been using these cards. To assist, can you please respond and SUMMARISE the steps that you take. e.g. which Crypto card is applicable to your situation, what proxies or VPNs (if any) do you use, whether it is necessary for load funds onto a PSN account prior to attempting a purchase, whether you have to 'spam' buttons/keys and at what point you needed to do this, and whether you attempt by web, app or console etc. These are bits I have seen here and there off top of my head, please also add any other pertinent points where you feel necessary.
    samjcribb's avatar
    Hi Joey, hope I can help someone else as this guide really helped me!

    I used a CryptoPay card and had to go through a few steps. First I followed the guide to register the card on Turkish PSN account via PS5.

    Added funds to my wallet on Android phone, using this Turkey VPN app:…key

    Used Windscribe VPN on my laptop to purchase a Plus sub via Chrome (from wallet funds)

    At no point did the PS Store on PS5 work for me, kept getting errors with and without proxies. Hope that's some use
  38. deleted449189's avatar
    larder14/12/2021 15:00

    Can someone kindly confirm - is there a foreign transaction fee % with …Can someone kindly confirm - is there a foreign transaction fee % with, like there is with Cryptopay (3%)?If so, what is the %?

    There is no transaction fee with, their conversion rates are broadly in line with Google currency rates.

    FYI guys, have put together a video guide on YouTube for those that prefer these things in that format..

  39. brandonars29's avatar
    Is FUPS the only way you can buy from the Turkish psn store now?
    deleted449189's avatar
    I honestly do not recommend Ininal, whilst they do have a banking licence for operating in Turkey from a UK perspective they are NOT FCA regulated, so there are potential implications here for giving them your passport information. One thing I would never do is send people down the way of something I would never personally do. It’s just not worth the risk for a few cheap games, but I guess it comes down to how much you value your personal information.
  40. donkeydavid's avatar
    Just a heads up on a simple mistake that many people may make including myself, once you’ve transferred money to Cryptopay you then have to remember to load your virtual card with that money you’ve transferred. I spent ages last night wondering why my card was being declined when paying for Vanguard from the Turkish store, it was because I hadn’t transferred the money, and I’m an experienced Cryptopay user!
    Regarding buying from the Turkey store my Turkish address for credit card on the PlayStation store, I have my UK street name and house number in Street Address 1, my uk City in the City option, my UK County in State or Province, my UK Postcode in the Postcode option, then in Country or region I have Turkey.
    Regarding paying through the Turkey store I use Cryptopay app on my mobile phone, the icon looks like a horizontal S.
    Hope this helps people
's avatar