Posted 4 December 2023

EE to take on Amazon and Currys

Good news or bad?
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  1. EN1GMA's avatar
    Amazons no quibble returns is the single reason i would always go with amazon, unless saving was significant.
    Jace_Phoenix's avatar
    Hardly 'No quibble' these days, i returned 2 items out of like 30 orders and had a rude email about high number of returns and the number of issues with orders exceed expectation and are in violation of their conditions of use policy.

    Amazon has also taken a nose dive in customer service, they dead end you on the chat and fail to help at all then have the cheek to ask 'is there anything else I can help you with?' .... when they didn't help with the original query!

    Also, Prime deliveries failing to show up, and all you get is sorry, let us know if it doesn't arrive in in the next 5 days sort of response on chat these days, they don't compensate you any more. Paid service and they take no responsibility for failure.

    A new player might shake them up a bit, they have little competition now that the likes of Play and Tesco Direct have exited the scene. (edited)
  2. bozo007's avatar
    If they can't beat Currys, they have a bigger problem. But good luck with Amazon.
    innocent's avatar
    What EE proposes to do is due to market forces. Obviously they can't keep up with the boys and it could all end in tears for EE but as has already been pointed out, competition is good for consumers.
  3. Denney_Masters's avatar
    Obviously more competition is better but good luck taking on Amazon
    innocent's avatar
    Watch your back Bezos
  4. Andremach's avatar
    I remember them sending me an email teasing a big announcement. When they dropped the announcement they sent the most confusing marketing email. I honestly didn't get what they were trying to sell me on.

    Whatever they are doing atm seems a bit messy to me, the EE brand is too ingrained as a mobile network in my head, I think they should just stick to that. They seem like they are trying to do too much and not really selling consumers on any of the benefits. Why would I shop with EE are they beating Amazon on price or Currys on high street presence & expertise? I think it will be a massive flop
    innocent's avatar
    I think your last sentence says it all.
  5. King65's avatar
    If EE offer longer warranties, free delivery, better customer service and prices then they will take customers from Amazon and Currys. (edited)
    innocent's avatar
    I think you are being a tad optimistic
  6. HappyShopper's avatar
    "EE is planning to take on Amazon and Currys by becoming one of the biggest sellers of electrical goods including computers, cameras and 'smart' appliances.".

    Aren't margins on these types of products wafer thin?

    Not sure this is a good strategy.
    Deedie's avatar
    Not sure what the margins are, but you would think they must see themselves at least having a fighting chance to compete. Or they wouldn't bother in the first place.

    So will be interesting to see how it pans out
  7. Azwipe's avatar
    Hope it works out better than Carphone/Best Buy.
  8. cecilmcroberts's avatar
    Well BT bought years ago, they eventually merged it with BT Shop (after 10 years), now basically they rebranding it EE and will take on the world. It will be bad if it ends bad, good if actually does become competition for the other, but considering they bought Dabs back in 2006 and it never affected any rivals, I highly doubt it.
    plebbygiraffe's avatar
    Exactly what sprung to my mind when I saw this story yesterday.

    Given what they did with Dabs until now I see no reason for Currys or Amazon to be quaking in their boots.

    It does explain the gaming deals on over Black Friday from EE, but quite honestly both EE and BT are expensive places to get things from regardless of what it is being sold.

    Competing on price is never something they aim to do. For that reason they will never replace Amazon or Currys.
  9. Onlydongles's avatar
    BT/EE have been the greediest of all the networks and Phone/contract sellers.

    What chances they will will offer competitive pricing? And why would anyone (save impulse buyers) buy if the same product is available cheaper elsewhere and online?

    Let them rattle the market a bit, shake off the cobwebs (networks becoming too cosy and comfortable in the cartelised market) but IMHO, its a non starter and will end in tears. (They will garner publicity though through their ad budget spends).
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