Posted 4 December 2023

Is The Forza Motorsport Premium Add-Ons Bundle Worth £17

Just wanted to get peeps opinion if the Forza Motorsport Premium Add-Ons Bundle for £17 via the Turkey Xbox store worth investing in.

I am playing the main game via Game Pass and thinking if I will be missing out on the vehicles that get given via the DLC going forward or will those vehicles can be obtained via the regular grinding of the base game.
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  1. MonkeyMan90's avatar
    If it's anything like Forza Horizon then the DLC cars will never be available in game and are always hidden behind a paywall. I always buy the DLC for Forza Horizon because the game is free and I sink plenty of hous into it so imo it's worth it as you're getting the game for free.

    But in general only you can work out if it's worth it based on how often you play etc
  2. mossmanfly's avatar
    Cars will never be available with out the Add on. You also do get double credits for races so might be worth it to earn credits faster.