Posted 8 January 2024

Safest key safe box to store outside?

We have a modern front door and it’s very easy to lock yourself out. Lived here a year and had several near misses but locked myself out for the first time today. What is the safest key box to store outside?
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  1. mutley1's avatar
    my dad has a secure keysafe, it is SUPRA. they are the most secure key safe as far as I am aware. His was installed by the council as he is ill. we hide a spare key so you could do this if there is some where you think is safe enough to hide a spare key.…nic (edited)
    AWard911's avatar
    The keysafe mutley1 has referenced/linked is definitely the most secure keysafe I have encountered.

    The 4 digit ones are fairly easy to crack if you have a little bit of time and patience. The one linked I gave up friend purchased a flat last year and one of those key safes was present but the previous owner couldn't remember the code.

    I spent about 35 mins and finally gave up in it. They ended up buying the same key safe as that demonstrated that it was a fairly secure unit.
  2. Justintime12's avatar
    It’s always best to check with your insurer before you buy and install a key safe. Read through policy documents, and if you can’t see any explicit mention of key safes, then contact your insurer.

    Some insurers may stipulate that any type of key safe will invalidate your insurance. Others may only approve certain makes and models.

    Providers may also specify certain conditions. This might include a requirement that the key safe is installed by a professional or located in a discreet place, and that you only share your key code with a small number of trusted individuals.
  3. joyf4536's avatar
    Spare key around neck/sewn in knickers/kept in car. (all 3) (edited)
  4. Moss.b's avatar
    Can you not lift the handle up so locks come out and prevent door closing?
    nala375's avatar
    Yes but today I shut it, walked to my car to get in and realised my keys were inside
  5. aLV426's avatar
    I've stayed in a few airBNBs and they all had the key stored in a 4 digit combo Key Safe box.
    They can be had for about £10. I am aware of the ones disgused as a rock, however they would probably look out of place.
    When you get locked out it gives you a good excuse to walk around your property and figure out alternative ways to enter - it's usual to conclude breaking a window will do the trick - that's how easy it would be for a burglar - would you neighbours react to the sound of breaking glass?
  6. EndlessWaves's avatar
    Key safes don't have the best reputation for being secure, it might be better to replace your door's lock with a non-deadlock version, which means it won't auto-lock itself when you close it.
    AndyRoyd's avatar
    I would suggest non-deadlock doors have the ultimate reputation for not being secure
  7. Justintime12's avatar
    None are 100% safe as easily smashed. Leave a key with a trusted neighbour or nearby family member or even hidden outside somewhere up the road as a last resort
  8. Pandamansays's avatar
    Have you considered a key rock ?
  9. Smoose89's avatar
    Is there not a latch that you can lift up it should stop it locking. I don't mean the door handle but there's normally a mechanism to stop it locking
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