Posted 16 January 2024

Anyone got a cold/cough/headache at the moment?

I've had it for a few weeks and just when I think it's getting better it gets worse.

Any home remedies I can try? Lemsip isn't really doing much.

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  1. Onlydongles's avatar
    My Grandm's Remedy:
    Grate an inch of Ginger finely. Add a largish pinch of fresh Black pepper, half a teaspon of turmeric, and a dolloop of honey. Lick it off the spoon thrice daily and you will be up and runing in no time

    And of course a squeeze of lemon and honey with cinanamon in hot water first thing in the morning. (will hydrate you as well as flush your system of the nasties)

    Beats any lozenge hands down. If you have fever, the odd aspirin or paracetamol to top up coupled with some fresh air.
    suejb2's avatar
    Liked for using ‘thrice’
  2. abigsmurf's avatar
    A strong, hot ribena used to be really nice when under the weather. Unfortunately with them using sweeteners, it's now pretty nasty. There may be some non-ribena blackcurrent drink that doesn't use sweeteners.

    Outside of that, hydrate a bit more, get a bit more sleep than you're currently getting and don't forget to get some fresh air (easy to lock yourself up when it's cold outside)
  3. AWard911's avatar
    I normally make homemade lemsip.
    Use the juice of half a lemon, 1 spoonful of honey, a soluble aspirin and then hot water from the kettle.
    Sometimes add raw ginger as well to the cup.
    Much better for you than a sachet of lemsip and probably a lot cheaper too.
  4. innocent's avatar
    Half one teaspoon full turmeric powder in glass of hot milk. Might taste horrid but worth a try.
    bozo007's avatar
    The preferred home remedy across South Asia
  5. superspeedy's avatar
    Brandy even slightly warmed should soothe the throat atleast . Has helped me in the past when i've tried all the common remedies (cough mixtures and lozenges as well as turmeric, honey or ginger hot drinks). If the cough persists a long term then check with GP for possible chest infections, antibiotics can't treat a viral infection but in case you have bacterial infection, it could help.
    I remember i had a cough/cold a few years ago (not Covid related) but it persisted for almost 2 months straight and then just went away itself.
  6. Toon_army's avatar
    No idea if its just in my head but since I've been having a spoon of Manuka honey each day I've been fine! Watch me wake up tomorrow with Covid or something
    Do you take vitamins or anything? I have vit C and D also
    KongDonkey's avatar
    Yes I take my vitamins.
    When do you take the spoon of honey? Morning or bedtime?
  7. Justintime12's avatar
    Eat food high in zinc or take a multivitamin daily with 100% rda zinc and vitamin D (nhs recommended in winter for everyone)…ter

    Good food sources of zinc are:

    • Red meat
    • Poultry
    • Oysters
    • Fortified cereals
    • Whole grains
    • Beans and nuts
  8. Blotto's avatar
    I had all of this a few weeks ago. I took a few paracetamol and dosed myself up with 1000mg vitamin c (Zooki sachets).
    KongDonkey's avatar
    I've ordered some of those thanks. Not cheap but will see if they give me a boost.
  9. slipthru25's avatar
    High dose vitamin c, zinc and vitamin d to clear it, honey and lemon for relief. (edited)
  10. JellyBaby88's avatar
    I, fortunately since getting COVID last April, haven't had any colds since. Even being immunocompromised.

    I do have a couple of packets of the cold and flu Max tablets, got them from Wilko 😪, I prefer those to lemsip. But if it's not shifting then maybe just ride it out, pointless taking meds if they are not doing anything. Drink plenty and eat, if you feel like it, and sleep.

    Hope you get better soon.
    KongDonkey's avatar
    I wish I could sleep well but the aching is keeping me awake and I'm not so tired as I'm not doing anything at the moment.
  11. cowtc's avatar
    Similar to what others mentioned. Simple few slices of raw ginger and a nice helping tea spoon of quality honey, mix with hot water (not boiling hot). Three times a day for a few days and you should be sorted
    KongDonkey's avatar
    Is Acacia honey any good? I've got some in the cupboard.
  12. Alexanderlocks's avatar
    If it's viral it can take a few weeks sometimes to shift. I had a bad chest recently. I like Covonia or Night Nurse. Get some good rest, keep hydrated, don't stress and try get some fruit & veg in your system. Get well soon mate
    KongDonkey's avatar
    Cheers. I think stressing about not being at work isn't helping!
  13. Misslovely's avatar
    It’s going around. My family had it although they haven’t made contact with each other. They said they didn’t have energy too so COVID type symptoms and the horrible cough that takes a month to get rid off
  14. Mark_Hickman's avatar
    I had it pretty bad 5 weeks back wasn't right for 2 weeks and now i have it again just 3 weeks later, really annoying constantly blowing nose and cant breath properly
    navo5's avatar
    A couple of drops of Olbas Oil at night on pillow, really helps.
  15. Peesh's avatar
    Anyone noticed a correlation between those getting this long cough and cold, with if they had covid vaccinations or declined them?

    Honey and green tea seem to help, along with regular vitamin c spread over the day, and vitamin D each morning. (edited)
    bozo007's avatar
    It will have to be a statistically significant number to prove there is any correlation, and that number will likely have to be in the 100s of thousands if not millions given the sheer number of those who got vaccinated.
  16. Tyrone_H_'s avatar
    No sunlight and poor diet = vitamin D deficiency, lower immune system and prone to anything going round. Take a vit D supplement
    Justintime12's avatar
    Everyone in the UK should be taking vitamin D supplements in winter
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