Posted 17 January 2024

Best 14'' laptop


I need to buy a new 14'' laptop for uni (mostly to read research papers). Ideally below £500. I don't think I would have much use for 2-in-1 or touchscreen features.

I found a couple options through student deals (extra 5% off on the Dell's). I know nothing about laptops 😁 Which one seems best?

I'm open to alternatives too. Thanks!

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  1. dipsylalapo's avatar
    Probably the most expensive one. Has a more powerful processor (between the two AMD ones, not too clear on the performance difference of AMD vs Intel). Has more RAM.

    I'd look at a tablet if you're mostly focussed on reading research papers. Plus they can usually double up with some light browsing, games, emails, social media and make for decent note taking if you get a stylus.
    x4h44's avatar
    Thanks dipsylalapo!

    Im a sucker for stylus! But I think I still need a proper keyboard. The device will mostly be used to read research papers. Essay writing too...
  2. Molematt's avatar
    To be fully honest, the market below 500 is really quite tight, as at that point there's almost no margin to be made over the cost of materials (e.g. if you look on Intel's Ark website, an i3 CPU alone, wholesale, costs in excess of 300 USD).

    Really, so long as it's 16 GB of RAM, ≥512 GB SSD, and ≥1080p screen, you're getting a fairly good deal for that money - in this case I would also favour the highest spec Inspiron 14 as it's definitely worth the ~£70 for the extra performance and RAM - I'd avoid the last option as the memory is smaller (& non upgradable) and Intel tends to be extremely patchy with real-world battery life.
    Molematt's avatar
    Quick addendum here - it's also worth checking Lenovo's Edu store (I believe via studentbeans) as they also have pretty good pricing, and they tend to have some good Ryzen units for cheap.

    In particular keep an eye out for the Ryzen 5000 or 7x3x series, which should be pretty modestly priced.
  3. Dealster1's avatar
    I go on ebay and pick up ex company machines like the lenovo thinkpad for around £350 ish. Granted you get a 12 month warranty from some sellers thats probs not worth the paper its written on, they still have a decent bit of life in them. Good memory and can often get MS Office added on aswell
    x4h44's avatar
    Thanks Dealster!

    I'll check eBay for ex company devices

    I should be able to get MS for free via my uni
  4. mutley1's avatar
    You are out of luck as often there are a few flagged up on the deals section but I just looked and there isn't any at the moment.

    Look for 8gb ram and long battery life. More than 10 hours on spec
    x4h44's avatar
    Thanks mutley1!

    There are typically more deals on bigger laptops. I had 14'' laptops for the past 15 years and I can't go back to a bulky device

    The only deal I could find is this one.…006
    More expensive and didn't get a lot of heat
  5. TNF1978's avatar
    Have you considered a Chromebook? (edited)
    x4h44's avatar
    Thanks TNF1978!

    Do Microsoft Office tools work on Chromebooks?
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