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Posted 28 March 2024

Alien: The Art & Making Of Alien: Covenant (Hardcover)

£2.99£17.9583% off
£2.55 ·
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andywedge Community support
Joined in 2008

About this deal

Daft cheap for this. I can't even find preowned copies as low as this.

Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created with Alien: Covenant, a new chapter in the groundbreaking Alien franchise.

The crew of the colony ship Covenant discover what they think is an uncharted paradise, but it is actually a dark, dangerous world, whose sole inhabitant is the synthetic David, survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

Alien: Covenant – The Art of the Film reveals how the visual style of the film evolved, with breathtaking concept art accompanied by insight and interviews with key cast and crew.

This official companion book explores all the major environments, creatures and technology that feature in this exciting new movie. It explores the intricate technology of the eponymous colony ship and its auxiliary vehicles, designs of the crew’s uniforms and weaponry, artwork of key locations and breathtaking alien art imagery in amazing detail.

Packed with fascinating sketches, blueprints, diagrams, full-color artwork, final film frames and behind-the-scenes shots from the set, Alien: Covenant – The Art of the Film is the ultimate literary companion to this highly anticipated movie event.

You can have a sneak peek here…ew/
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Edited by andywedge, 28 March 2024
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  1. hecatae's avatar
    Perfect for Easter
    UzerName's avatar
    ...because of the eggs?
  2. Red_Shift's avatar
    Forbidden Planet usually have a few of this type of book on sale…. How do I know ? Ask my Mrs
  3. Pasanda's avatar
    It's a beautiful book. Was looking at mine only yesterday. So worth the asking price.
  4. AncientYouth's avatar
    Alien Covenant was such an awful film, i wish i could unsee it
    possibly the most incompetent crew in the history of space travel
    prankster101's avatar
    I thought Prometheus was a lot worse, but each to their own.
  5. frogger77's avatar

    Thank you.
    This will go nicely next to my xfiles and ghostbusters afterlife coffee table book I never look at. (edited)
  6. M3NDEREZ's avatar
    Got this, Snowpiercer and Shape of Water delivered for £16.98 - Pleased with that!
  7. dan.platt's avatar
    thanks for this. grabbed tomb raider, the raid and moon also.
  8. RossMacMVP's avatar
    Does it have a section on how to play the flute?
  9. MRCAW's avatar
    Brilliant ! thanks OP ordered ,heat
  10. iainl7's avatar
    Brilliant book. If you’re near London, though, it’s worth considering going in and buying one in the shop; the postage is almost as much as the book. 
    hecatae's avatar
    Cheaper to get to the Coventry store than the London one
  11. MrsPickleJuice's avatar
    got this last time it was on sale. It's actually a good book Though i did not enjoy the movie haha. if you like H.R. Giger and the previous Alien films you will enjoy this.
  12. Dugald's avatar
    Thank you. Bought for a friend who loves horror.
  13. Fasterv12's avatar
  14. iguanapunk's avatar
    OOS! :'(

    I loved this film. My criteria for enjoying an Alien film is: Does it have an alien in it?
    pannan's avatar
    nice avatar, Guy!
  15. kam518's avatar
    Had mine delivered today. Really cool book.
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