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  1. Sigma's avatar
    Hi could you please provide some additional information? Is this via the web, iOS app, or Android app, and on what device? Also, when did you first notice the issue? If you can share some examples/screenshots of your alerts, we can investigate further. Thank you. (edited)
    Pricexchecker's avatar
    Hi, it's on the Android app, using the Asus Zenfone 8 Android 13. The unread bell icon does not clear after pressing it to see my new alerts? It used to clear automatically once I had pressed It. It will now only clear once I've either, selected each alert or selected the double tick icon for notifications read and also in both instance only after I've also pressed the my account face icon.
  2. rapid111111's avatar
    Yes this, i came here to say this too. This is annoying and not the same as the website when you click on the alerts button which makes the notifications disappear. Please revert.
    This is also on the beta version android, 7.02.01. (edited)
    Sigma's avatar
    Hi we do have an active bug ticket currently for the product team to investigate further and resolve
  3. rapid111111's avatar
    Still happening on the update recieved today 7.03.00
    rapid111111's avatar
    Alerts fixed now as of 7.03.02
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