Posted 1 day ago

Brain training recommendations

Hello all!

Does anybody have any brain training app recommendations please. I’m an iPhone user and looking for something to help. As I’m getting a bit older I don’t seem to pass info from short term to long term memory as well. Also I seem to use ‘thingy’ or ‘whatsisname’ too much when the words don’t come as quickly as my brain moves.

Thanks in anticipation.

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  1. aLV426's avatar
    The Nintendo DS had a huge library of Brain academy apps specifically for brain training! Of course they are hundreds of online apps - suduko is a favourite. Plenty of apps for the iphone - word games help as well, plenty of free apps (they even did an article about this on the "This Morning" show a while back)
  2. Peesh's avatar
    Learning a second language or learning to play a musical instrument can help your memory.

    Apps like Duolingo are good for language learning.

    Apps like Yousician are good for learning guitar/ukulele/piano.

    A good brain training game, similar(ish) to the brain training games on the Nintendo ds from.a few years ago is Mind Games Pro.
    Sm0keMeAKipper's avatar
    I love your response. Thank you so much. What’s the solution to losing words from your mind? Learn a completely new dictionary! In spite of my sarcasm it makes perfect sense.

    Maybe learning Italian is the way forward!
  3. mutley1's avatar
    I have developed a memory problem, well actually, it just got worse as I have always had a memory problem! I went to see a neurologist and they sent me for a memory test. The neurologist says that the results indicate that I lack attention and that there wasn't anything wrong with my memory but that I needed to keep my brain active by doing more brain intensive stuff, like suduko.

    She says the brain is like most things, use it or lose it.

    I have since done suduko and I have found it does help a little bit, but I find sukodo so boring and prefer word puzzles as I believe that anything that makes your brain work will keep it oiled, so I have found an app called "Words of Wonder", which I really enjoy. It is like an anagram game.

    So number game app or a word game app will help you.
    Sm0keMeAKipper's avatar
    Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate learning from your experience.
  4. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    You can get things like escape room games that work on your mobile phone for next to nothing.

    One game could involve puzzles involving numbers, letters, pictures, colours, codes, memory & actions.

    It might be a lot more interesting to you that just sticking to one type of puzzle like crosswords or sudoku etc
    Sm0keMeAKipper's avatar
    Good shout. I used to love those games where you have to find stuff and solve mysteries. Hadn’t thought of those as ‘brain training’.
  5. redzarf's avatar
    Duolingo could be worth trying
  6. Mendoza's avatar
    I do sudoku
    KongDonkey's avatar
    Me too.
    I can spend hours with a hard one.
  7. sydney871's avatar
    Not knowing how old you are and how you are physically may I suggest being active in some way like walking, dancing, joining a club, playing bridge, joining a gym etc. These all will help with memory issues. Just a suggestion if you are up to it.
    Sm0keMeAKipper's avatar
    I’m in my mid 40’s and fairly fit (10k run on weekdays)
  8. Mendoza's avatar
    I found the one I used to use, it’s called Mindpal (I used the free version)
  9. thepostie's avatar
    Wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm the same, I tend to get faces mixed up. Spoke to an old guy cutting his grass, then spoke to what I thought was his wife round the corner and told him I just saw your husband cutting the grass before seeing her going into a different house. She probably thinks I'm a nutter!
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