Posted 5 days ago

Good quality blue roll for puppy pee clear up?

I've got a toilet training puppy that still is having frequent wees on our kitchen floor. Initially I was using kitchen roll to cleaning up (with sprays) but that's quite pricey when you use it alot. We then switched to using some decorators blue roll from B&Q which is £4 per roll. this lasts much longer but I wondered.if there are options on Amazon or eBay. A bit of a search brings up loads that are under a tenner for 6 rolls but they look tissue paper thin and probably won't do the job.

Has anyone found a good quality blue roll that's a bit cheaper than £4? Thanks!
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  1. Timbonagasaki's avatar
    I used to use it at work- the cheap thin stuff would break apart in fluids and the thicker stuff wouldn't. They both looked pretty much the same though. Amazon and Ebay products tend to be sold on price (see also bubble wrap) so it will probably be the flimsy blu roll you end up with.
    Can you not just get some good quality kitchen cloths and hand wash them at the end of the day?
  2. windym's avatar
    Personally I would focus more on more frequent visits outside. There will be inevitable accidents but it shouldn't be 'frequent'. If it is, then you need to take the puppy outside more often.
  3. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    Get a pack of microfibre towels, or Terry nappies, and a bucket. Wipe up the mess, rinse the towel, then put it in the bucket and cover with water.
    When you run out of towels then you can do a separate load of laundry. Do not use softener as that reduces the drying ability.
  4. The2Time's avatar
    Hovis extra thick will do it.
  5. Ringfinger's avatar
    Similar woes here. Outside every hour. Lots off praise when they go out and do it outside. Don't get angry when they do it indoors.
  6. wrighty2105's avatar
    We used puppy pads when training ours. He’d wee on the floor more than the pads but then we just used to use the pad that was down to clean up and put a new one down
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