Posted 23 hours ago

S23 ultra upgrade

I'm starting to get the itch for a new mobile.

What's out there (apart from the s24 ultra) that'd an upgrade to the s23 ultra.
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  1. Friday-Ubaydah's avatar
    The OnePlus 12. Ya can't beat it.

    But to be perfectly honest, contain your "itch" for a new mobile, and continue to use your S23 Ultra. Think about the environmental cost of purchasing another phone when your current one is more than capable.
  2. xCobehx's avatar…hp3

    Put your phone in, choose phones you’re interested in. See the differences and advantages/disadvantages and then you can make a decision.
  3. bozo007's avatar
    Seriously, there is nothing that is a meaningful upgrade.
    Grumpy_Dumpty's avatar
    This was my thought process. Maybe I'll download a new home ui to get over the itch hahaha
  4. MonkeyMan90's avatar
    There isn't really a phone out there that will scratch your itch if you already have the s23u
  5. Corkscrew's avatar
    The S23U will get a lot of the AI features of the S24U in a couple of months
    Parm_Singh's avatar
    What they don't tell you is,, ai is subscription, first year free then they start charging for it
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