Posted 2 days ago

Ad blocking on fire stick / phone

Does anyone know a good ad blocker on fire stick & Android phone? For things like YouTube?

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  1. score01's avatar
    For firestick install smartTube - it cuts all of the YouTube ads.
  2. bigwheels's avatar
    For desktop, Android Phone and iPad I use Brave browser.
    No ads for me.
  3. Wolfsbane2k's avatar
    Best solution i know if, if you can control the network you are connected to, is a pihole.
    rev6's avatar
    Agreed. Alternatively AdGuard Home
  4. cheesysock's avatar
    For Android change your private DNS setting to for system wide ad blocking (except YouTube). Install Newpipe or YouTube Revanced (search reddit for an installation guide) if you want a dedicated app for YouTube. SmartTube as already mentioned is great for Firesticks and smart TVs:…ube
  5. rayman1970's avatar
    I'll second Smarttubenext for fire stick
  6. AndyRoyd's avatar
    +1 Brave browser.
  7. DCollector's avatar
    Thanks all will take a look
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