Posted 8 February 2024

Flights to New Zealand

What are the best sites to find decent flights to Auckland?
I have been checking with Google Flights, Skyscanner, and Expedia. I just feel there are better options out there. The ones I am seeing are via China 🇨🇳 and there are 7hr layovers 😫
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  1. bozo007's avatar
    You want cheap and convenient? Unfortunately, you have to choose.
    RaiKush's avatar
    Fair enough, not a long wait layover I guess. Thanks
  2. Gollywood's avatar
    7 hrs is very manageable if it's a good price..
    TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    7 hours stuck in an airport having to pay over the top prices for food etc would add a fair bit to the overall price for a family.
    I think I would settle for a cheap direct, if it exists, and knock back a bottle of Mogadon
  3. innocent's avatar
    No joke intended but Also look at Traifinders for a rough idea of prices. Traifinders also have presence on high street in large cities.
    RaiKush's avatar
    I will check them out. Thanks . Yes, I have heard of Kiwi 🥝
  4. Mendoza's avatar
    when using skyscanner, did you pick certain dates, or whole months?
    RaiKush's avatar
    Certain dates.
  5. redzarf's avatar
    I booked about this time a year ago for travel in August. Never saw anything come close to Google flights price, including a travel agent.
    We stopped in Singapore for I think 15 hours which was good, though the airport there has a lot more to do than most.
    We came home via Houston which was only a 2-3 hour stopover. Which was only barely enough. These are 2x 10-12 hour flights - if you haven't done that before bear in mind those extra hours make it very different to a 5-8 hr flight. The 12 hr is brutal.
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