Posted 16 November 2023

Gaming Laptop screen size opinions 16vs17vs18

I’m after a new gaming laptop and now seems a good time to get a deal but not sure on best size so looking for help/advice/opinions

My last 4 laptops have all been 17” inch but that seems to be a declining size option and from researching the 16:10 ratio on 16s puts it pretty close to 17” size wise
I think it’s being ambitious to try to get an 18” in good spec within my budget which is currently £1500

I can stretch to £1800 if it gives a big improvement to spec (screen/graphics) 4070/4080 preferably
Ram and ssd storage aren’t to important as I’m comfortable upgrading them later if required

Weight, portability and battery life aren’t too important either as it will rarely be unplugged and moved around and mostly used when sitting on my sofa but cooling, noise and a nice screen are important

Any help would be appreciated cheers
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