Posted 25 November 2023

Gaming pc build

I'm looking to build a gaming pc and am looking for advice on my current picks, ie if components work well together and if theire a good choice and I'm not getting ripped off lol. I've looked on compatability checker to insure components fit
Any advice would be greatly welcome
Going to be used on 2k monitor and will be playing
Hoping for minimum of 120hz not bothered about max graphics setting.
Thanks for looking
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  1. shaunlsmith's avatar
    This will be a very capable machine, particularly for the games you've listed. A few suggestions:

    1. If you've not used it before, I would highly recommend the pcpartpicker website when pulling builds together. It will crawl common sites for the best component prices and perform some basic compatibility checks.
    2. Personally, I think you've overspec'd your CPU compared to the other components selected. If you want to save some money the 7600, 7600x would be fine for what you need.
    3. Fan-based coolers can be just as effective and as quiet as AIOs, and will also be cheaper. Nothing wrong with what you've picked but something to consider.
    4. It looks like you'll only get a 120mm exhaust fan with the case. I would highly recommend getting at least two more 120mm fans for the front of your case. Without them, your case will likely have negative air pressure and your GPU will struggle to pull in cool air. They need to be installed on the lower front and configured to pull air in. Your AIO rad will be on top and preferably also configured to pull air in. The fan in the case can be installed on the back to push air out. Should give you decent air flow in that case.
    5. I assume you have storage already? Preferably NvME for that Motherboard?
    6. Don't forget the build essentials, e.g. thermal paste!
    MAD-HATTER's avatar
    Awesome Thankyou for you're insight.
    I'm going to reply with numbers to cover every base lol
    1. I'm going to use one company because I can get 20% off. But I will chek just incase the build comes up cheaper.
    2. I purposely over speckled slightly to future proof it, but the 7600 was also a cpu I was looking at so I might take you're advice and go for that.
    3. I do like the idea of water-cooled but I wasn't aware fan based coolers were just as good.
    4. I had actualy forgoten to add a couple of fans. I was under the impression I would want intake on top and front and exhaust on back and bottom for instance, ie 2 exhaust and 2 intake. I'm guessing positive pressure is better than negative for airflow?
    5. Yea I already have a decent NvME
    6. I had also totally forgoten about thermal past absoulout ledgend.

    I was considering the 4070ti but it was slightly more than I wanted to spend, but if I went for the 7600 and the 4070ti would that be a good pairing or am I likely to get a bottlneck

    Thankyou verry much for you're reply it is greatly appreciated
  2. KodaBear's avatar
    That link will only work for you. Your basket is private and will only load on your computer with your specific cookies to tell the website what items you added.

    For everyone else who clicks it, it will show them their own basket, or an empty basket if they haven't been shopping on that site.

    You'd have to either post a screenshot or list them all yourself here.
  3. aesgan's avatar
    I think you overspecced. Check out a build using amd 5600 or 5800x3d and a 6700 xt for example. You should achieve everything you need
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