Posted 11 December 2023

Dehumidifier buying confusion!

I keep checking here for deals and the comments on each of them all overwhelm me with different opinions and advice.

Me and the missus just plan to use it in the box room to dry clothes on an airer. What should I get?
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  1. Yolofknell's avatar
    There are two types.


    If it is to be used inside in a room with temp above 10 degrees etc then you just need a compressor type.

    The higher the number for example, 10l, 12l, 16l means how much moisture the unit can can remove on a daily basis, never removes that much obviously but it will remove moisture quicker the higher the number and warmer the room. Some not all use more power the higher the removal rate, so do check this.

    Some come with a Laundry mode and some do not. Not really needed as with or without it will still dry clothes. Laundry mode as far as I am aware moves the fan/fin constantly to direct the airflow, it also runs continuously on this mode too. If using primarily to dry clothes then also look into getting one with a large capacity tank as you do not want to be forever emtying the tank or look in to continuous drainage. This could be into a bucket etc

    You do not need to spend hundreds on well know brands but again that is a personal choice. I have a Blyss 16l, had this for 4 years and still going strong, never missed a beat. Only cost me approx. £100.

    Am sure if I have got something wrong or I have missed something important, someone will come along and correct me. (edited)
    Pandamansays's avatar
    This summary is spot on.

    I would just add that more expensive ones can be quieter and are often more efficient (use less electricity), however for just drying clothes, I'm not sure if it would be worth it as it wouldn't be running 24/7 nor on the landing/Hall etc

    The control panel on my cheapy has failed on mine, so it's either off (at the mains) or on and it still works fine.
  2. wayners's avatar
    We bought two different brands. One 10lt and 20lt.
    Different machines that do same job. Both around £100 - £140

    HOMCOM 10L is the small one.

    Not the most technical machines as they all work the same and do the job. That's blow air over a cold plate.
    You either buy a cheap one and run it until it dies then buy another. That's my plan. Or spend more to buy a higher efficiency machine, with longer warranty that will cost double the price. Nah. Although if your minted treat yourself. We run both ours for 4 hours a day after tea and just the one in the day to dry washing.
    Just look for one at around £100 imo. (edited)
    Bob_FishnWo's avatar
    Cheers dude. Which one do you use for drying clothes and how often do you need to empty the tank?
  3. Shinobi_'s avatar
    Meaco Arete one IMO. I have one and in the Winter it comes in clutch!
  4. 001Cisco's avatar
    Compressor dehumidfier.
  5. newbie68's avatar
    For your purpose no need to spend a fortune - nothing else to add as it's all been said above.
    rimalpatel007's avatar
    You what?
  6. Bob_FishnWo's avatar
    Thank you so much everyone! I've done my own research and took all your posts in. Pretty sure I want the Meaco Arete 12L everyone talks about but it looks out of stock everywhere. I'm not really sure whats a comparable model to that. My house isn't damp at all, it's only for drying clothes in a small box room.
    rimalpatel007's avatar
    Can you share your findings as to why you have chosen this product to benefit others?
  7. Bob_FishnWo's avatar
    Oh, a question I forgot to ask. How much water would it take drying some clothes on an airer? A few Ive seen and am interested in buying (looking at the HOMCOM 12L) says it has a 2-liter tank and I wonder if that would be enough/would i need to empty multiple times during drying? (edited)
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