Posted 8 hours ago

Smart meter

On the 9th of February I took a photo of the smart Meter because I thought my readings were too high
Today the reading submitted on the 9th by the smart meter is about 35 units higher
This an empty house still clocking up electricity
Only fridge freezer on nothing else
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  1. Angel21's avatar
    The reading cannot jump thirty units within an hour on the same day
    AndyRoyd's avatar
    That is a reasonable statement, if reflecting actual consumption.
    Would need to investigate if an issue related to SM (no)connectivity would cause delayed accumulated presentation of recent consumption.
  2. Roger_Irrelevant's avatar
    If it's empty just turn it off and open the doors.

    But to see if any circuit is using it when it shouldn't, turn each RCD switch off one-by-one and see if the usage drops (flashes on smart meter or look at display unit).
  3. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    Does your neighbour grow weed by any chance?
    Willy_Wonka's avatar
    I was thinking the same lol

    It only takes an open loft

    Some houses you can get from one loft to the next without an issue at all
  4. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    Seal the fridge, and pull the plug out when you leave the home, resetting it when you come back. Your contents should be ok. Fill the empty space with filled bottles of liquid the day before, to help hold down the temperature.
    You need to eliminate the possibilities that are your problem, then you can jump on those that belong to others
  5. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    Is 35 units not about right for a fridge freezer? (edited)
    TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    My fridge freezer uses about 350w per day, so 10kw per month. So that's less than a third of the op's usage.
  6. AndyRoyd's avatar
    Still in winter. Many f/f don't like to operate below 10ºC ambient.

    Is there not a system in place using electricity to prevent pipe bursts etc, either direct or indirect? (indirect example consuming electricity: gas boiler left on for frost protection).
    Angel21's avatar
    Gas boiler is switched off. Everything is. no lights. Nothing apart from the fridge freezer. I am saying I took the reading in the morning and The reading the meter submitted was thirty units higher for the same day (edited)
  7. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    If you have central heating then frost protection might be in operation, which, dependent on your type of energy, might be powering the boiler, but is definitely powering the water pump
    Angel21's avatar
    Heating is off
  8. Angel21's avatar
    Houses are connected.
  9. Angel21's avatar
    We will be selling the house soon
    So the worries will be over
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