Unfortunately, this deal has expired 10 September 2023.
Posted 9 September 2023

Return direct flight from Stansted to Milan-Bergamo (Italy), October 11th to 18th, via Ryanair

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Just like Stansted, the airport is called Milan but is located in Bergamo...

Bergamo, a picturesque city in northern Italy, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and beautiful landscapes. Whether you're interested in art, history, or simply enjoying the local culture and cuisine, there are plenty of things to do in Bergamo. Here are some recommendations:

Città Alta (Upper Town):

  • Start your visit in the historic Città Alta, the charming medieval upper town of Bergamo. Explore its narrow cobblestone streets, squares, and historic buildings.

Piazza Vecchia:

  • This central square in Città Alta is the heart of the old town. It's surrounded by beautiful architecture, including the Palazzo della Ragione and the Civic Tower (Campanone). You can also visit the Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai.
Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore:

  • This stunning church is known for its intricate architecture, frescoes, and beautiful interior. Don't miss the Cappella Colleoni nearby, which is an ornate mausoleum.
Rocca di Bergamo:

  • Visit this fortress, which offers panoramic views of Bergamo and the surrounding area. It's a great spot for photos and learning about the city's history.

Accademia Carrara:

  • If you're an art enthusiast, explore this art gallery, which houses a rich collection of Italian paintings, including works by Botticelli, Raphael, and Bellini.

Civic Archaeological Museum:

  • Learn about the history of Bergamo and the surrounding region through the museum's extensive collection of archaeological artifacts.

San Vigilio Hill:

  • Take a funicular ride or hike to the top of San Vigilio Hill, where you'll find the ruins of the Castle of San Vigilio. The hill offers breathtaking views of both Città Alta and Città Bassa (Lower Town).

Città Bassa (Lower Town):

  • Explore the more modern lower town, where you can stroll along wide avenues, shop, dine at local restaurants, and experience the lively atmosphere.

Bergamo Botanical Garden:

  • If you enjoy gardens and green spaces, visit the city's botanical garden, which features a diverse collection of plants and a peaceful atmosphere.

Taste Local Cuisine:

  • Bergamo is known for its delicious food. Be sure to try local dishes like casoncelli (a type of stuffed pasta), polenta, and taleggio cheese. Bergamo is also famous for its desserts, including polenta e osei and tiramisu.

Day Trip to Lake Como:

  • Bergamo is not far from Lake Como, one of Italy's most beautiful lakes. Consider taking a day trip to explore the lakeside towns and enjoy the scenic views.
Attend Local Events and Festivals:
  • Check the local event calendar for festivals, concerts, and cultural events happening during your visit. Bergamo often hosts lively celebrations throughout the year.

Remember to take your time and savor the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty that Bergamo has to offer. Whether you're interested in history, art, or simply enjoying the atmosphere, Bergamo has something for every traveler.
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's avatar
  1. beessteph's avatar
    I’ve stayed in Bergamo twice and it’s the most wonderful place, full of charm, much nicer than Milan in my opinion. It’s got a wonderful, authentic Christmas market.
    Almanovic's avatar
    Absolutely agree - it's incredibly picturesque
  2. waynester21's avatar
    I didn't like Milan but Lake Como is gorgeous and only a train ride away. Great price for flights though so heat!
    Rumana03's avatar
    Felt the same way
  3. bailey87's avatar
    Che confusione
    Sarà perché ti amo
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