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Posted 31 March 2024

Animal Farm George Orwell - Kindle Edition

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"Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a captivating allegory that takes you on a thought-provoking journey. Set on a farm, the animals rebel against their human oppressors, establishing their own society. Initially, it's a utopian vision of equality and justice, but power and corruption soon creep in.

Orwell's storytelling brilliance shines as each animal represents a facet of society, and their revolution mirrors historical events. Witness the rise and fall of their animal-led government, the emergence of a ruthless elite, and the haunting parallels with the human world.

This novella is a warning against totalitarianism, propaganda, and the corrupting influence of power. Orwell's vivid prose and sharp social commentary make "Animal Farm" an essential read for those interested in politics and society. It's a timeless tale of how ideals can be twisted, leaving you pondering the nature of power and the fragility of freedom.
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Edited by a community support team member, 31 March 2024
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  1. BargainScavenger's avatar
    I'd suggest watching the octopus murders on netflix to find out who's running the animal farm
  2. vegeta89's avatar
    2016 and last 14 years people thought Pigs who look after themselves, friends, family, CEOs, bankers and donors would work out well for the other animals (edited)
    neversay's avatar
    It's even worse with socialism.
  3. aLV426's avatar
    Heat added - I have lost count as to how many different versions I have of this & 1984 now...
  4. General_Buck's avatar
    Great book and alongside 1984 very relevent in todays society as we move towards the similar authortarian regimes depicted in both with lack of freedoms & thought crimes
  5. android12's avatar
    I believe that this is now out of copyright so really it should always be free in digital form.
    JLB75's avatar
    Along with all the other books these spammers keep posting. 1984 anyone?
  6. deleted3004403's avatar
    I tried to read this and it just proved that I’m thick. I didn’t have a clue as to what he was getting at.
    LethalBeans's avatar
    The core premise is that most people are sheep (to an extent). We exhibit herd mentality, tribalism and collective narcissism. 52505340-aelpG.jpg
  7. Proveright's avatar
    Thanks OP
  8. Dan_8j4's avatar
    This is a book describing what will happen so genius.
    Kerienn's avatar
    This HAS happened in the Soviet Union back then! And is about to happen again in the UK. History repeats itself.
  9. bobthegorilla's avatar
    Definitely thought that was Yoda in the tiny thumbnail.
  10. mariotakeiteasy's avatar
    Got 13 editions of this already but couldn't resist. Heat.
  11. LethalBeans's avatar
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