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Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlein - Kindle Edition

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Back down to 99p for this sci-fi classic.


5,000 years in the future, humanity faces total extermination. Our one defence: highly-trained soldiers who scour the metal-strewn blackness of space to hunt down a terrifying enemy: an insect life-form known only as 'Bugs.'

This is the story of trooper Johnny Rico, from his idealistic enlistment in the infantry of the future through his rigorous training to the command of his own platoon. And his destiny is a war that will span the galaxy.

Robert A. Heinlein announced himself as a master of modern science fiction with Starship Troopers, his controversial take on modern military politics. His best-known novels include The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Stranger in a Strange Land
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  1. Crazy.Jamie's avatar
    Ironically because I posted the deal, I don't like this book at all. I went on a bit of a classic sci fi binge last year, and read books like Childhood's End, Flowers for Algernon, I Am Legend and so on. I was surprised at how readable so many of them were, and how good they were even by today's standards. But this book was the main exception. I think it's terrible. Poorly written military propaganda wrapped in a wafer thin plot. The only silver lining for me is that it resulted in what is a far superior satirical film (albeit one that is barely based on the book at all apart from the name and the main character). However, at the same time I'm glad I read it, because it's part of the classic sci fi scene and I can now discuss why I don't like it, which is worthwhile. I also acknowledge that plenty of people disagree, so this is worth a purchase for those who do like it, or those who want to see for themselves if they like it.
    gavin1's avatar
    I would not say say poorly writtern military propganga, but its does very much proudly show the politics and tensions of its time. It was written in 1959, so around the middle of the cold war, and like many of Heinleins books of that era the enemy is the Soviets in disguise. The future would be made in America, using innovation, technology and a dash of violence, remember America was at the time in the superpower battle with the Soviet Union.

    Heinlein was hard right and is shows, I guess he'd have been a Fox News writer if he was alive and writing today, shown in the books basis that military service is the way forward and only people who have been ready to serve get the right to fully particiapte in society.

    Its a good book, but the politics in it have not aged well...
  2. Zefan's avatar
    Three quotes that explain what this book is really about:

    "Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost."

    "Can you think of anything sillier than being fired out of a spaceship with nothing but mayhem and sudden death at the other end? However, if someone must do this idiotic stunt, do you know a surer way to keep a man keyed up to the point where he is willing than by keeping him constantly reminded that the only good reason why men fight is a living, breathing reality? In a mixed ship the last thing a trooper hears before a drop (maybe the last word he ever hears) is a woman's voice, wishing him luck. If you don't think this is important you've probably resigned from the human race."

    "Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more."

    If you're capable of going in to it with an open mind, give it a read, it isn't really long. It has its problems and is obviously going to offend some people, but it's essentially a book about philosophy, it's not about guns and bugs at all.
    DivideByZero's avatar
    "Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more."

    Dude was spitting facts!
  3. spatter's avatar
    Surely not as good as the movie (edited)
    odiedodie's avatar
    Theyre very different. As much as I love Verhoven movies, he took his own political biases and implanted them into his work.
  4. loopz's avatar
    I'd but that for a dollar
  5. KFC1869's avatar
    I loved the film, but not so much this book on which it's based. TBH the only Heinlein books I really enjoyed were his juvenile series.
  6. Sylar2023's avatar
    Much better than the movie, heat.
  7. gazter's avatar
    Great book. On the bounce corporal.
  8. beaksdale's avatar
    Reading this isn't essential but regardless I did my part
  9. bfar's avatar
    Be warned - the book is a much more deadpan presentation of the ideas that the movies so ingeniously parodied.
  10. mfactor's avatar
    My fav author , not my fav book tho,,,,, Moon takes that,,,, tho if you reread his writings about the crazy years, it seems we are living them now lol
  11. SammyBookWyrm's avatar
    Thank you
  12. Calum99's avatar
    The movie is lit
  13. jungleboy123's avatar
    shame they couldn't do a good SST after the first. Heck even Aliens / Terminator couldn't even do a proper trilogy.
    Affray's avatar
    I think they stopped after Aliens...
    I was so depressed with Aliens vs Predators, I loved the game, probably the only RTS I've forced myself to master with a Controller and the film was lets follow humans nearly all the time....oy.
  14. mimp's avatar
    I grew up in a house full of sci fi books, Heinlein was about the only author I completely bounced off. Gave him another go recently and cannot understand the appeal. Unlike Arthur C Clarke or Asimov, where the problematic “of their time” views detract from otherwise inventive and well written novels, it often feels like the problematic bits are the entire point of Heinlein’s stories. 
  15. Wombl3's avatar
    I've yet to read this one actually so might give it a go. Heinlein is the one who got me into the post apocalyptic genre when I read Farnham's Freehold back in the day. Cracking book if you haven't read it

    Heat added
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