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Posted 2 May 2024

How To Be Right: … in a world gone wrong by James O'Brien Kindle Edition

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Every day, James O’Brien listens to people blaming hard-working immigrants for stealing their jobs while scrounging benefits, and pointing their fingers at the EU and feminists for destroying Britain. But what makes James’s daily LBC show such essential listening – and has made James a standout social media star – is the incisive way he punctures their assumptions and dismantles their arguments live on air, every single morning.

In the bestselling How To Be Right, James provides a hilarious and invigorating guide to talking to people with unchallenged opinions. With chapters on every lightning-rod issue, James shows how people have been fooled into thinking the way they do, and in each case outlines the key questions to ask to reveal fallacies, inconsistencies and double standards.

If you ever get cornered by ardent Brexiteers, Daily Mail disciples or corporate cronies, this book is your conversation survival guide.
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  1. NeverBagHolding's avatar
    Thanks this will be a good read after reading “How they broke Britain” , thanks OP bought at this excellent price.
  2. NitrousUK's avatar
    Surely the right thing is not to buy his book?
  3. Carmarthen888's avatar
    Not in the slightest interested in what he says, writes or believes. He is self opinionated, obnoxious and collectively not someone I would care to listen to or hear about. I listen to one or two broadcasters on LBC but as soon as 10.00 am comes around gives me a great pleasure to use the off button on the radio
    Noeldude's avatar
    And yet here you are commenting on a deal for his book.
  4. pjlhot's avatar
    Thanks OP
    Same price on Play store
  5. NS007's avatar
    *speak louder than the caller.
  6. Soni84's avatar
    Excellent book.
    Bonedome123's avatar
    Thanks for your input James. 
  7. wendy07's avatar
    It's a rather partial observation that chooses to ignore some very basic questions and facts. As are all of his books.

    One should remember he's functioning on a right wing radio station, that promoted Brexit and Boris Johnson and Farage. And so the perception is that he's of the left but in reality he stands one nation Tories and the alt right Brexit folk and this and other books need to be read with that context. (edited)
    ayeworld's avatar
    I'll take him over Farage, any day
  8. azz321's avatar
    Like standing for sangita Myska James #WhereisSangitaMyska
    Tothebee's avatar
    Who cares
  9. zx636r's avatar
    ThirstyDivorcedDad69's avatar
    And yet here you are.....
    Bet you listen to his radio show too
  10. wassupjg's avatar
    Trust james o'brien to call his own book 'How to be right'!
  11. Jesusaur's avatar
    He winds up all the right people in my eyes.
  12. Hazy247's avatar
    I prefer Andrex
    Peter_Branagan's avatar
    what ..to wiping your bum on a kindle
  13. Daniel_Pendle's avatar
    I'm sure he'd know, being as he's always right... in his own mind at least. I bet the legacy media deliberately find self assured huge egos as a way of bolstering their falling numbers of listens / views / clicks etc. Some people are so universally disliked that they can draw quite a crowd! I've got nothing against him personally, just find him rather annoying.. and I think that's the intended effect.
  14. David.McEachan's avatar
    This book is naff.
  15. qball101's avatar
    Does this book essentially tell you to get your own radio call in show and disconnect any callers you don't agree with who start to win the argument?
  16. gilbertbank's avatar
    He's not always right. He just has to win the argument. He's had therapy for it. I found the book to be totally O'Brien. I'm not a fan but would love to get him started in the pub.
  17. Chris_James's avatar
    loathsome toad..
    Hypnotize's avatar
    Are you referring to Nigel Farage?
  18. Dudz33's avatar
    Better to have no knowledge than to have little.
  19. cycleman's avatar
    Got to laugh when he starts getting cornered on LBC just cuts off the caller
    Hypnotize's avatar
    Equally, when callers get cornered by him, which is funnier.
  20. luke.keogh's avatar
    I just ask the Mrs…
  21. jimbo23's avatar
    Hypnotize's avatar
    James O' Brien. The clue is on the front cover.
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