Posted 12 hours ago

G-Police PS1 Classic on PS3 & VITA Store, With Free Access To The PS4 & PS5 version

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Joined in 2024

About this deal

  • STEP 1 : Purchase on the PS3 / PS Vita store for £1.99
You can play to the game on PS3 + PS Vita + PSP

  • STEP 2 : You will see the PS5 + PS4 license for FREE - just add it to your library
You can now play to it on PS5 + PS4 + PS3 + PS Vita + PSP

PROOFS (I'm using a french account but it is the same for you in UK) :

  • Proof of purchase on PS3 / Vita store :

  • Proof of the FREE ADDITION to my library of the PS5 / PS4 license this morning :


Experience G-Police originally released on the PlayStation console, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.

Prowl the skylines in your weapons-loaded DASA-Kamov gunship as a member of the G-Police. Battle menacing rebel ships in the air and heavily armed vehicles on the ground. You'll wreak havoc as you take on the hardcore criminal element terrorizing the gritty cities of 21st century Callisto.

  • 35 white-knuckle strategic combat and flight missions
  • 51 stunning, real-time, 3D cityscapes and environments
  • Tear between, around and under obstacles like skyscrapers and bridges with 360° flight

Price on PS5 / PS4 store : £7.99

Playstation Store More details at

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Edited by Yvan_Dureve, 9 hours ago
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  1. Yvan_Dureve's avatar
    if you are comfortable purchasing games from the USA store, 2xtreme can also be purchased cheaper via the US PS3 store

    Still cheaper than £7.99
    DJSlime's avatar
    That's easily the most underrated PS1 game ever. I played the demo constantly, then rented the game three times in a row.
  2. Piranha_Plant's avatar
    PS3 won’t do a £1.99 purchase on credit card
  3. kokoroko's avatar
    This and Colony Wars
  4. InTheKnow444's avatar
    Still got the original !
    Yvan_Dureve's avatar
    Still got the PlayStation Magazine demo on which I spent so much time back in the days
    52786546-k94xy.jpg (edited)
  5. Ashbeck's avatar
    Think I played this on the pc in the late 90s
  6. CupN00dle's avatar
  7. InTheKnow444's avatar
    Ridge Racer, Crash Bandicoot, PaRapper the Rapper, Wipepout 2097, Ratchet and Clank all coming back to me now.

    Best game by a country mile was Xevious 3D !
    kyeung's avatar
    My first couple of games at console launch was Tekken and Battle Arena Toshinden from memory
  8. Chimppimp1987's avatar
    What a classic game
  9. Jodhopper's avatar
    Nice…already had this free on Vita years ago, so was sitting as a free in the PS store
  10. EugeneVictorTooms's avatar
    Yes! Thank you!

    I had this on PC back in the day, spent a good bit of time the other week fruitlessly trying to remember the name of it.

    Defo advancing in years
  11. HairyFist's avatar
    Remember my dad buying the PS1 analog stick control pad just for this game. Was the one before they brought out the dual shock.
  12. fudgebunneh's avatar
    Thanks I got access to Syphon filter which I bought many years ago 🫡
  13. dalemcglone's avatar
    Great game but aged terribly
  14. Buttmonk3y's avatar
    Always loved this game.... But I have just watched the intro cinematic and don't remember anything to do with the backstory!
  15. Snakeyes646's avatar
    Such a great game, was one of my fave PS1 titles.
  16. Koyakami's avatar
    Epic! What a game!
  17. Jay_dealla's avatar
    Total blast from the past
  18. HwylFawr's avatar
    Did G stand for gravity?
    Yvan_Dureve's avatar
    Government Police
  19. hoverdonkey's avatar
    Great game. I was really bad at it.
  20. Daveofsmeg's avatar

    Great game, later missions are far better than the earlier ones. I finished it eventually. And the sequel Weapons of Justice.
  21. AzeemB's avatar
    I still think about Tachikawa, rest in peace
    Glix's avatar
    Ghost in the shell? Oh that's tachikoma never mind xD. (edited)
  22. prometheusnx's avatar
    Loved it back in the day.
  23. pow26's avatar
    It’s on PS Plus for free?
    Yvan_Dureve's avatar
    It is included on PS Plus Premium
  24. Brinks78's avatar
    Remember being blown away by the graphics in this, back in the day! Probably looks awful now
  25. RickyD's avatar
    Played the PS5 version tonight. It hasn't aged well.
  26. Terrahawker's avatar
    I already own this on PS3/Vita, yet it’s showing as £7.99.
    Yvan_Dureve's avatar
    Are you sure you bought it with the same playstation account back in the days?
  27. codnan's avatar
    Would love to play this again but I don't think I could do the train lvl again it was one of the worst difficulty spikes on ps1 imo lol
    Wish they would do a new one tho this would be amazing with modern graphics and physics (edited)
  28. t4v's avatar
    Just installing it after finding I already own it, why the HELL is it 5.379GB!?
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