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Posted 23 May 2024

Skull and Bones - Play for Free on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC

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Yvan_Dureve Super Poster
Joined in 2024

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Edited by Yvan_Dureve, 23 May 2024
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  1. derek_dymondk7c's avatar
    My boy pre-ordered this for £70 and lost interest after just a week.

    Play the free week, and you'll have done most things it has to offer. It's then just rinse and repeat.
    enclavemarine's avatar
    Surely not?? It's a "AAAA" masterpiece by all accounts.
  2. JonDOnnis's avatar
    Just a reminder, you NEED to have Gamepass or PS+ subscriptions to play this on Xbox or PS even during the "free play" times, or the trial. Dont waste your download if you think you gonna be able to play this without a sub.
    Yvan_Dureve's avatar
  3. enclavemarine's avatar
    Think i would rather paint my deck
    Sixty_Nine's avatar
    id rather watch the paint dry
  4. mscAUser's avatar
    AAAAnd... its shit!
  5. mbt2k's avatar
    They could have taken Black flag, which is a great game and expand it to mmorpg style.
  6. MØ94's avatar
    Ubisoft getting desperate
    Aerobiz's avatar
    Not surprised, the way they're going. Huge turn off for gamers.
  7. Roger_Irrelevant's avatar
    I always think the hard work's been done in creating the world and all the boats and upgrades and physics etc.

    If they could just do a bit more work on getting a more Black Flag/Odyssey feel to it, and getting rid of the annoyances (like that girl who shouts the same phrase whenever you're near a shark) it would be a fairly decent game.
  8. athonjohn93's avatar
    If Ubisoft want me to play this, they're gonna have to pay me, and even then I'd have reservations!
  9. Monkeyface's avatar
    Nice. I'd like to play this. By all accounts a week is all I'll need to fully experience it anyway
    Aerobiz's avatar
    Can you get the platinum in a week?
  10. Gr0uty's avatar
    Thought it was pretty good but like all Ubisoft games you have to give them a year to mature, get patched up etc. then you can usually pick them up for a tenner (edited)
  11. Physcocrusher's avatar
    Reminds me of black sails
    benpacky's avatar
    Great show!
  12. Junahs's avatar
    Finally my first quadruple A experience!
  13. Ghoul's avatar
    Quadruple A game right here guys!
  14. Oxide2k's avatar
    AAAA Gaming has free weeks now ?
  15. Piranha_Plant's avatar
  16. Shoptillyoudrop's avatar
    Can I get steam achievements out of this 😄
  17. ollefrolle's avatar
    I played the 10 hour trial and found it pretty fun. Glad I can play it again. But not paying Ubisoft prices
  18. mike279's avatar
    Already wasted 30 minutes on a previous free day or beta or whatever it was when I could have been playing black flag, or taking the bins out so no thank you Ubisoft.
    Piranha_Plant's avatar
    Listen to Mr T
  19. Ady838's avatar
    Ubisoft just don't seem to take on board any of the advice that players actually want. They did the same with Ghost Recon, Wildlands was amazing, then they messed it up with Breakpoint
    enclavemarine's avatar
    As long as they can sell the super duper ultimate £9m edition of their game laced with micro transactions to some unsuspecting fools they don't care.
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