Posted 4 days ago

Smart/fitness watch recommendations

I’m after a smart watch to keep track of steps etc. slightly new into this health fitness journey not sure how long I will last. Want something that’s reliable and not too expensive. Can you get something decent for £50/£60. We will need 2 as my husband has also joined in the fitness hype.

Please could you give links to products
Thanks in advance
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  1. fdbgdfbdfbdfbdfbdf's avatar
    Something feminine Amazfit GTs 2 mini, small with good battery, not the best for fitness but you only started steps ect, how in depth are you looking for

    Day to day wear or just for jog, willingness to charge
    Deleted041071960810's avatar
    I'd say Amazfit - but don't dismiss Xiaomi (who use the same ecosystem). For a starter, the Xiaomi Band 8 (or for a bit more the Pro) might do what you want as a taster.