Posted 2 May 2023

Why do Iceland charge for carrier bags with deliveries that don't come in carrier bags?

Why do Iceland charge for carrier bags with deliveries that don't come in carrier bags?
I received 9 cases of 24 x 330 ml fizzy drinks today and was charged £1.25 extra for picking and carrier bags but not a bag in sight and the driver said he didn't have any to give me that I had paid for.
OK, I well understand the picking charge and the bag money to me is of little consequence, but to others it may be, and after all, there is a principle at stake here of not getting what you have paid for.
Just wondered what others thought?
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  1. bozo007's avatar
    You were charged for picking only but Iceland probably have only one standard description covering picking and bags.
    MadeDixonsCry's avatar
    Huge amount of lack of comprehension and common sense in this thread.
  2. Gollywood's avatar
    If you copy and paste this query to Iceland customer services.

    You'd have probably got a response by now (edited)
    thedogs2715's avatar
    It's not their opinion I was interested in, it was that of others that would either lend weight to my opinion on this matter or not and if so, either back up a cut & paste of the OP to Iceland or crawl back into my hole as no one else sees a problem with being treated in this way.
  3. The2Time's avatar
    Are people really this petty

    It's just a standard charge on any order. Obviously if what you have ordered doesn't fit into bags then there's no need to provide them and common sense takes over.

    I'm sure they will probably refund you if you are that angry about it, though.
    AMaky's avatar
    yep, there is a whole category of people who think everyone and everything owns them an in-depth explanation. Guess they keep customer services busy after every order lol
  4. JimboParrot's avatar
    You'll be your dentist's new best friend!
  5. plebbygiraffe's avatar
    Even if you had gotten bags they began using ridiculous crate liners instead of bags a few months back, so now you can't reuse the bag and everything on the ends falls out when you try and lift it as they are long and shallow.
    thefox85's avatar
    This is what was going on where i live. But after christmas and new year the drivers had enough of it and now back to the standard white ones.
  6. IAmATeaf's avatar
    Its obviously a surcharge for picking items that don’t fit in a carrier bag!

    Ocado are the same, they put each frozen item into its own carrier bag end result being there are enough bags to make a main sail for a yacht. Asked the driver once WHY? but he had no answer except to return them with the next delivery?
  7. one_eight_seven's avatar
    I would be querying why they aren’t charging a whole number per bag rather than whatever £1.25 / 9 is
  8. McShane's avatar
    Dunno, we always get bags with our shop.
  9. gary.westwood's avatar
    People think its petty but if i was charged for bags i would expect some bags. Can always find a use for em at home.
    Mr.Plow's avatar
    Definitely, when they were free I used them as bin liners.
  10. Duggie2000's avatar
    Just made a purchase at Iceland. There is a line within the receipt for:

    Bags, picking & packing - £1.25

    It is a one line charge not multiple. I spent over £40 so had free delivery as well, so I am not concerned of the charge and think it is fair and just (with or without bags)

    Just made a purchase at Iceland. There is a line within the receipt for:

    Bags, picking & packing - £1.25

    It is a one line charge not multiple. I spent over £40 so had free delivery as well, so I am not concerned of the charge and think it is fair and just (with or without bags) (edited)
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