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Posted 28 May 2023

Divorce: The Pursuit of Happiness After a Divorce: Codependency and Self-Help, Kindle Edition Free @ Amazon

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Have you ever wanted to change someone? Did you change them and did itwork? Have you become infatuated with someone else’s issues and problems, wondering if they just changed or fixed the issue then everything would be okay?Have you drained and wasted energy trying to change someone and gotten nowhere? News flash, you cannot change or control anyone. You can only control how you respond to that person in your life. Why did Ariella stay? She thought that if they went to church seeking help and prayer it would change her situation. Ariella was waiting for a miraculous answer to her prayers. Ariella was too overwhelmed with emotions and worry to find solutions to her problems. She questioned herself. She wanted to make sure that before she left Kaleb, that she would do everything she could to save her marriage. She decided that she would learn everything that she can do to make things better. She would give it her all, and if it came down to her leaving Kaleb, she would know she did everything to save her marriage and family. Ariella started to pray for answers that “God” would change him or help her. Ariella noticed Kaleb drifting away, not wanting to attend church, leaving the service early or not wanting to go, but she continued to go with the kids. She made excuses like: I don’t have enough money to leave. I can change Kaleb. If he is gone who will take out the trash? I don’t like being alone. He’s the father to my children. It takes two people to work at a marriage or a relationship. Are you the only one trying to find solutions for problems? Kaleb never admitted that he had an affair. To began healing from adultery the person who created the offense has to ask for forgiveness and sincerely mean it to start the healing process. If they think that they have done nothing wrong, the affair will repeat over and over again without remorse. Addictions will blind a person from determining right from wrong choices. Addictions numb the pain of the consequences of their choices and reality of the truth. You cannot seek regular steps to heal someone who has an addiction. You cannot seek help from people who do not have experience with addiction.Please use my story as a tool to help you identify the red flags that might appear in your relationship. I want to help you identify the problems and address them with solutions. This book will help you move forward with your relationships for a positive future outcome. I will help you expose the excuses and lies and help you discover the truth regarding your relationship. You will meditate on your current relationship and learn how to become healthy and successful. Stop finding excuses to stay in a chaotic marriage and start taking the steps required to fix it. I believe that if you seek the truth it will set you free. If you ask for something and earnestly look for it, you will find your answer. Do you want to find the truth or do you want to keep walking blindly into chaos? I believe that God has a plan, and his plan is not to harm or forsake you, but to give you a prosperous life. This book is for all of those who have struggled with the same issues as me. I just want to let you know that you are not alone.
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Edited by a community support team member, 28 May 2023
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  1. R..Daneel.Olivav's avatar
    No need for a book. I will be happiest man alive after divorce!
  2. ga94's avatar
    One of the most stupidest books
    D1ckTurpin's avatar
    Great review. Have you thought about becoming a professional literature critic?
  3. Friendes's avatar
    "Have you ever wanted to change someone?" If you are starting relationship with idea to change someone else, you are the problem. I have feeling this book is just telling you what you want to hear. Making you think you are more important than others and it's your ex to be blamed.
    xenophon's avatar
    To be fair it does say later: "News flash, you cannot change or control anyone. You can only control how you respond to that person in your life." Which is very true.

    I think that opening sentence was a question rather than a statement.
  4. innocent's avatar
    From the main description I quote
    "I believe that God has a plan, and his plan is not to harm or forsake you, but to give you a prosperous life".
    Does it make you wonder if divorce was part of the plan!
    Decoded's avatar
    I always think things happen for a reason. The people you meet are to help or teach you a lesson in life.
  5. nandy's avatar
  6. Dan_EarlUNo's avatar
    Since the average age for marriage today for women is 35.8 years old then technically you have less time to spend with your spouse and so less chance of divorce.

    Ps it was 24.7 years old in 1968.
    shanepm's avatar
    But life expectancy has increased by 10 years
  7. mango888's avatar
    Is this a Kid Cudi remix?
  8. Felix_1's avatar
    Depends who gives divorce to whom.
    That defines the true situational mess one goes through.
  9. bobbyj1984's avatar
    Just watch Ross in friends, he will tell you everything you need to know about divorce
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