Posted 28 January 2024

Rosetta Stone Free Full Course

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Joined in 2010

About this deal

Free full Rosetta Stone course for 1 language. Choose from around 30 languages. Normally a 3 month plan costs £15.99 per month. The 12 month plan is around £84 total.


1a) Download Rosetta Stone App
1b) Make new account by clicking 'Get Started'.
1c) Choose Language, Email Address and Password
1d) Once created Log Out on the app.
2a) Visit this page
(See tips further down if you have trouble opening the page)
2b) On page enter your same details that were used in step 1c before. (Note for Username field enter the Email).
2c) Once details are filled out then click 'Sign In'.
3a) On App click 'Log In'.
3b) Click 'Work and School' Account type.
3c) Enter your Username and Password.
3d) Enter code "s8476284" in the Work Area

All done - Might be a good idea to download courses for offline use!

If you have issues opening the page then
- Due to shortened partially hidden URLs use: secure.rosettastone. com/lp/ebsco/?custid=s8476284 (and then delete the space before 'com'). Thanks to Finknottle in comments.
- Try using Chrome browser if you're on an iOS device.
- You can try to remove this text from the end of the link: &utm_source=impact&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_campaign=digidip GmbH&utm_id=121977&utm_term=Dad's and Grads&irgwc=1

If you're getting an error signing in at the final step
- please ensure you used the exact same details for step 1c and 2b.
- Some report signing out of the website could help.

Should you want more than 1 language then you can rinse repeat with another fresh Email Address.

Credit the code from here: https:/s8476284/mydealz.de/dea…998
Rosetta Stone More details at
Community Updates
Edited by ElBarto, 31 January 2024
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's avatar
  1. finknottle's avatar
    Finally worked on desktop. Correct URL to copy and paste, as the one in the description was partially hidden: secure.rosettastone. com/lp/ebsco/?custid=s8476284 (delete the space before 'com'!)
    SpuffMonkey's avatar
    So glad you posted this. Worked 😁 Thank you
  2. biscuits4eva's avatar
    Thank you, worked perfectly after I copy pasted the url and removed the asterisk and space both at the end of the address (edited)
    yorinul's avatar
    This was the only thing that worked for me. Thanks!
  3. dwl99's avatar
    Link works for me after copying and pasting the url rather than clicking the link (edited)
  4. sahad746's avatar
    Good deal works.

    I came across the same error as everyone else.
    It seems OP's link when clicked on adds extra text on the end. Remove it and it should work.
    Copy this link, and IF the link loads the page, make sure link still looks like below link (if not, remove any added details from the link and enter it again.)

    Link: secure.rosettastone.com/lp/…284

    (*remove from end of link: &utm_source=impact&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_campaign=digidip GmbH&utm_id=121977&utm_term=Dad's and Grads&irgwc=1

    should work now
    Jeimu3u's avatar
    This worked for me!

    Once I deleted everything after ?custid=s8476284 in the URL of my browser it went straight through.
  5. I_Zebra's avatar
    I want to get this deal asap. Does anyone know yet whether you can join at any level of whether you are restricted to total beginner courses or prevented from changing the language? It says you can change the language on the sign up page but description for the deal says one language. (edited)
    AzureMoon's avatar
    Rosetta Stone gives you access to the language you select. They provide different courses on the same language, from total beginners to more advanced language use in different settings.
    However, it is all based around the same style of learning, picture/word association. So if it's not something you're used to, it might be worth trying it at the lower level, particularly if you do know a lot of the language anyway, just so that you can get used to the system they're targeting you with as a learning mechanism.

    Typically, Rosetta Stone will let you swap between any languages you have on your account. I used to have Russian only on my account and that's all I had access to. I'm now on their unlimited account and can switch between all languages on offer as I please.
  6. sm9690's avatar
    Link to last time it was posted incase the comments help anyone out hotukdeals.com/dea…311
    RafaBnc's avatar
    Best comment, in this link make its very easy to finish!
  7. chopsncheese's avatar
    If you have Spotify Premium, there are some great language courses now available in the Audiobook section. Search for 'Paul Noble'
    Mr.Dangle's avatar
    Thanks this is useful information. I couldn’t get the RS post working and can’t be bothered 
  8. Rowlesey's avatar
    Worked for me but only when copy and paste the url and sign in on the website this then logs in before you go back to the app. The repeat in the app as per instructions and it works. Thanks for this!!
  9. Just-Blondie's avatar
    Not keen on this
    Al4n's avatar
    On chrome open this link
    secure.rosettastone. com/lp/ebsco/?custid=s8476284 , sign in after that login in the app
  10. bigpappa's avatar
    Which language is everyone learning?
    mrdeeznutz's avatar
  11. Chuckles1001's avatar
    just keep getting this
    "Hmmm… can't reach this pageCheck if there is a typo in s8476284&irclickid.rosettastoneenterprise.com.

    BeanieBroadcast_'s avatar
    Anyone found a solution to resolve this?
  12. FetishVoo's avatar
    Are they going to cancel all like the last time ?
    Blotto's avatar
    Probably. That’s why I’m not bothering with this.
  13. RaheemA's avatar
    Thanks!! I had to manually copy the link on my iPhone because it would just say this site is impersonating your details
  14. DingoDirk's avatar
    Depending on the language you want to learn there are better courses available for free on YouTube with question/answer responses in the comments.
    c_1st's avatar
    Kindly post some links - esp' Portuguese, if possible as that's what I want to learn
  15. amycray3's avatar
    Jeimu3u's avatar
    Did you see that page when you used the link? If not, when you complete step 2a, check the URL in your browser and delete everything after ?custid=s8476284 and then you can sign into the website. Once you have done that, it clears the error message in the app.
  16. gr8mlin's avatar
    Start the page via the desktop browser and not the mobile page otherwise it won't work!
    maccalen's avatar
    Doesn't work on desktop now neither!
  17. SPLE22's avatar
    Hindi is a language I'd like to learn
  18. ancestral_aston's avatar
    Worked after using the method suggested. Using Chrome on laptop.

    secure.rosettastone. com/lp/ebsco/?custid=s8476284 (and delete the space before 'com'!).

    Thank you, working fine.
  19. prosom's avatar
    Not sure it’s safe?
  20. tboy2000's avatar
    FishAndCats's avatar
    Copy the URL with space before .com from description
  21. Jabaltariq's avatar
    There's something wrong with the way they do things, I've read on a few different occasions, that people encounter problems when trying to register/open account or login. It doesn't inspire confidence
  22. aazizi's avatar
     can learning only be done via the app, I tried logging into the website with my username and password and it says I don't have an active subscription.
    ElBarto's avatar
    Think just app. Maybe a way to access the lesson via a desktop via the link that's clicked on though
  23. ourdave's avatar
    This looks like a scam
  24. MHusnat's avatar
    Worked first time for me. Followed above steps exactly as laid out, and used the link from this post only. Screenshot provided.
  25. SixFeet's avatar
    Is anyone using this? It seems utterly stupid

    I selected Polish. The first lesson it just gets you to repeat words back to check you are pronouncing them correctly, but doesn't tell you what the word means. It has a picture which I'm sure represents what it is supposed to, but not what the word or phrase specifcally means

    How are you supposed to learn with this?
    MaskedMacca's avatar
    I use VPN.lat on phone.. works perfect 👌 "Duolingo" just realised I typed the name wrong
  26. Borian's avatar
    Hi guys,
    Did anybody did it?I was thinking to use it for my daughter but not sure it will be suitable for her age?
    Crossbow's avatar
    It's for free, so nothing to lose to give it a try.
    If not, you may be able to put it to good use yourself.
  27. adamg64's avatar
    Thank you OP just started dutch!

    52092241-o2Guj.jpg (edited)
  28. Gary29's avatar
    Worked a treat for me. Can’t wait to tell everyone I’m learning Spanish but then do absolutely nothing to learn Spanish.
  29. Salma_Sumra's avatar
    Got this
    EdWasHere's avatar
    If you're clicking the link in the post, it won't work on mobile. I had to manually copy and paste the link into my browser directly.
  30. zorbathegeek's avatar
    Didn’t work for me and cannae be bothered trawling 8 billion comments but thanks anyways.
  31. Magus's avatar
    Isn't this just theft, using a corporate account?
    khiladi1's avatar
  32. macseffect's avatar
    Bonjour ElBarto! Going to Paris in August, so see how much I can cram in before then. Merci!
  33. KennyBania's avatar
    All good, getting everything downloaded for offline use now.
    matwalaboy's avatar
    When trying with code s8476284 I keep getting namespace is incorrect - any tips to sort it please?
  34. Wolfgang's avatar
    Thanks, worked for me.
  35. Carly_Yoxen's avatar
    Worked for me thanks
  36. Frank-b's avatar
  37. itizaz_hassan's avatar
    Mine worked after using this link (secure.rosettastone.com/lp/…284) as the one above didn't seem to work and also using a different email address. Hope that helps
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