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Posted 3 April 2024

Rowse Honey, Squeezy bottle, 100% pure & natural, 680g

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Same price as asda/aldi now but may prefer this delivered instead of hoping to find it or if you don't have those options cheaper than others.
HONEY: Rowse clear runny honey is the UK's best-selling honey for a reason. The perfect all-rounder to add a little sweetness to any dish.
SQUEEZY: Squeezy bottle means no mess! Easy to add to breakfasts, baking, cooking and more.
DELICIOUS: With its medium to warm amber colour, this honey has a flavour of mild caramel and distinctive fruity back notes.
NATURAL: Our honey is 100% pure and natural and perfect for everyday use. From porridge and yoghurt to sticky glazed chicken, our honey is always a firm favourite.
HIVES FOR LIVES: Our initiatives have been focused on protecting bees & beekeepers for over 15 years. From training 40 apprentices to planting over 100 acres of wildflowers.
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Edited by a community support team member, 3 April 2024
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  1. abigsmurf's avatar

    This is a blend of non-EU honey which means it almost certainly contains Chinese 'honey' which has been mixed with an unknown amount of sugar syrup. If you look at the labels and marketing blurb, you'll find that it never actually says this contains British honey ; they say it's "packaged in the UK" instead which is deliberately misleading.

    They could test the honey they use to ensure it's not a sugar syrup blend, but they don't, because they already know it would fail the tests. If they don't test it, they can claim that they're completely shocked that the suspiciously cheap honey they source from a country that is known for fake produce isn't what the suppliers said it was.

    Vote with your wallet.
    qbs's avatar
    Why should it say it contains British honey. Pl;enty of other countries produce honey.
  2. holyheadyea's avatar
    whatever they put in it turns solid after a few weeks in my cupboard plastic or glass containers
    windmill's avatar
    no way, happened to me with the huuge costco (1.5litre?) ones -
    decanting into a dozen teeny jam jars and keeping it all at room temp solved it.

    asda 680g squeezy seems fine, ingredients say 'mix of eu + non eu honeys' and that it May crystalize. hasn't tho.
    squeezy bottles such more convenient am following this thread.
    In case crystallization to solid is a fructose mix thing, maybe to do with Costco's (hmm, but not farmfoods) sourced from USA.
  3. lomey's avatar
    A lot of bees have put some graft in for that!!
    weemee002's avatar
    or more like, no (very few bees) were harmed in the making of this 'honey'!!!! ;-) Worth paying a little more for a decent and real honey!
  4. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    If you are in Costco or Farmfoods it is £5.99 for double the size
    Syed-Ali's avatar
    It’s actually £7.50 in Costco so this is a good price
  5. k4mmy's avatar
    Is this actual honey or a blend of honey and fructose syrup? Just don't know anymore.
    qbs's avatar
    Try reading the label.
  6. Rosolek8888's avatar
    You can get polish honey in Lidl it’s made in eu if you get non eu blend it means it’s most likely to by partially rice syrup not honey always check the label
    qbs's avatar
    Lidl's Polish honey has less flavour than syrup, and no honey smell. Horrible stuff.
    Why the fixation with EU/nonEU? Loads of places are non eu - UK, New Zealand, Canada, Australia etc - in fact more honey producing counties outside the EU than in.
    Nothing in EU that guarantees quality. Lidl's Polish honey is proof.
  7. deleted392719's avatar
    Who knew the purchasing of honey via a deal site could Bee so controversial?
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