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  1. Sigma's avatar
    Hi, our community members can bookmark and save deals to revisit and review them at their convenience. Additionally, you have the option to set reminders if you're awaiting an upcoming confirmed offer or if you want a reminder before an offer ends.

    Currently, we don't have a feature that tracks your browsing history. This tracking would likely be device cookie-based, meaning it won't transfer between web, mobile, app, or devices.

    Unfortunately, we don't have a 'whispersync' type option available, and it hasn't been recently requested in feedback. However, we'll share your idea with the product team. Thank you for your suggestion
  2. tri_94's avatar
    tri_94 Author
    Thank you. I know you have the save deals etc. just I only get to use the site before and after work as have 10 hours of deals to look through and then it’s a pain to know which deal I was up to.
  3. CatsWithThumbs's avatar
    One thing I think would help with this: on the android app as your scroll through the deal lists, On the right is shown time elapsed since posting (12m, 6h etc) making it easy to see roughly where you were up to if you know when you last browsed.

    Desktop site doesn't have this indicator and it would be really useful to see it added here also. (what it *does* have is time since made hot which is much less useful to me at least - maybe when viewing the "hot" tab but in "new" I'd much rather see how new it is
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