Unfortunately, this deal has expired 30 August 2023.
Posted 1 July 2023

Return flights Birmingham to Delhi (Saudia) - September to November dates (inc. 23kg Checked Baggage) - from £357pp @ Skyscanner

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Saw this, and thought it was worth a share. Flights are with Saudia, so you change at Jeddah. A 23kg checked bag is included. (Further baggage can be added at a cost).

Prices vary across dates, but there are a few around the £360 mark.

Example Dates:
10th - 25th Sept
14th - 25th Sept
21st Sept - 02 Oct
03rd - 16th Oct
05th - 16th Oct
12th - 29th Nov
21st Nov - 9th Dec

Example 3rd - 16th October:
The return connection isn't the greatest tbf, but if you book with the airline, I believe they have a free overnight hotel stay included. Direct flights from London are around £520 on these dates, which isn't bad if you're local. But if you live near the midlands, you'd be expecting to add £50 odd to get there and back. Still might be preferable to some, but just putting options out there.

Emirates (although with a better return connection is £300 more).

Fare Conditions:

Hope it helps someone
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Edited by a community support team member, 1 July 2023
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  1. perkypig's avatar
    ...that would have been a great price 20 years ago.......so take some chilli heat from me OP
  2. Will_lXt's avatar
    All this "i think", can people post with certainty please, I'm about to spend £350.
    samfooty's avatar
    Just do your own research and make your own decision?
  3. pablo_el_diablo's avatar
    If you are self disciplined then you could save money by going indirect. Knowing my wife she would be on shopping spree if wait time is more than 60 minutes so savings would be limited if any.
  4. ashraf86uk's avatar
    Does anyone know if I have to get off at Delhi? I find it stupid BIRMINGHAM to Delhi via jeddah is half price of BIRMINGHAM to jeddah
    Oye's avatar
    I think you can get off but your return leg will be cancelled. (edited)
  5. Xtrykyr's avatar
    I despise layovers. but it's a great price!
  6. Ibrar_Mahmood's avatar
    Yeh baat Delhi tak jayegi (edited)
  7. gg1pl's avatar
    Unbelievable price
    Paramvir's avatar
    I know, for such long flight it should be cheaper!???
  8. deleted1945554's avatar
    Not voting either way, but think carefully about the return leg at 21.5 hours. Well in excess of my endurance.
  9. Gadgetdeals's avatar
    How much is the visa per person?
    Rmcstar's avatar
    Think a 30 day e-visa costs about £25 (edited)
  10. afroylnt's avatar
    Lucky dip extended stay sometimes available
    Jim1_Smith's avatar
    What do you mean?
  11. The.Unorthodox.Traveller's avatar
    50493473-ageRF.jpg These are the visa fees



    That's the official visa website for India. Many fake or non legit companies around which charge extortionate amounts so be careful. (edited)
    Gadgetdeals's avatar
    You have the whole world except India, am I missing something or is there nothing new in the post?
  12. Paramvir's avatar
    This is not very good… flight times are crazy
  13. raza786's avatar
    excellent deal looking for something simillar but to Dar es salaam
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