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Posted 25 July 2023

The Rules of a Good Prepper: Mini-Guide on the Importance of Organization Kindle Edition eBook

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Are you curious about how to become a good prepper?
Have you ever wondered what the steps were to prepare as a prepper?
If your answer was undoubtedly a “YES”, then keep reading...
Before the dawn of modern civilization, you have to understand that people got all of their medical supplies from natural and herbal sources. So you, too, can learn how to concoct your elixirs and concoctions using natural ingredients to treat common diseases. This prepper's manual is ideal for getting started with your preparedness endeavours. Preppers, those living off the grid, and others who have faith in the efficacy of natural treatments are the primary targets of this publication.
Being a prepper entails many different responsibilities and roles. This book teaches preppers how to utilize natural medicines, particularly herbs, and usually plant-based materials to preserve good health and also treat ailments while living off the grid. The primary emphasis of this actual book is on educating preppers how to their roles and also the use natural medicines.
Here is just a fraction of what you’ll learn from; "THE RULES OF A GOOD PREPPER: Mini-Guide on the Importance of Organization, Item Selection, Equipment, and Little Tricks on how to Manage Water Supplies"
  • Rules to Keep in Mind as a Prepper
  • Planning Preparation for a Prepper
  • Roles Played by a Prepper
  • Essential Equipment for a Prepper
  • Managing Water Supplies
  • and... so much more!
You need to understand the basics of prepping and ask yourself why you need to prepare and be ready for all situations. The modern-day preppers are trying to prepare themselves for a specific time when life becomes challenging. They intend to be self-reliant and independent to take on all challenges, irrespective of their intensity. All of these challenges might take the face of almost anything or everything, and all of them fall under the SHTF category. It might just be simple winter adversity, an earthquake, or a pandemic. Everything that challenges your normal livelihood is a challenge for you. Every prepper takes the initiative to get ready for all risks specific to personal or geographical factors.
And keep in mind that even if you get stuck, you can always send us an email (provide inside each book of the series), we are always happy to help you with any questions you might have.
For you who are looking for all the answers to your worries, THE RULES OF A GOOD PREPPER provides all the information you need about being a prepper and some basics of prepping.
So what are you waiting for?
Grab a copy and read THE RULES OF A GOOD PREPPER, and find out more!
Amazon More details at

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Edited by a community support team member, 25 July 2023
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  1. mr_johnsie's avatar
    Always good to be ready for an emergency. Most likely in the UK would be economic collapse or the left overthrowing the goverment and then not knowing what to do. We’d have power & water outages, a lack of policing and a bit of a free-for-all. It’s all about being able to get food, medicine and water. (edited)
    C0mm0d0re_K1d's avatar
    Sorry, no offence, but what a load of rubbish. The left overthrowing the government and not knowing what to do? Hahaha

    Contrary to what you may have been told, or indoctrinated to believe by the likes of your parents, education environment, the daily mail, telegraph, spectator, gb news, right wing think tanks who hide who funds them, the current bunch of incompetent liers and cheats (AKA the tories).

    In this supposedly free and democratic country. That would actually be called a national general election and not a coup!

    If you go to work in any way, whether that be for yourself or a company in any capacity. Even highly paid senior management. That makes you working class, even though the tories would have you believe you are middle class or even upper middle class.

    The only reason normal people like us (not the aristocracy, royals, titled or independently wealthy) have anything at all in this country is because of years of hard work by the left, unions and years of people and workers fighting and striking for better conditions. Like they have been forced to do again.

    If it weren't for unions and the labour party. We would not have workers rights, health and safety laws, sick pay, holiday pay, maternity / paternity leave, and many other things like the welfare state, the nhs, free schools etc, etc.

    If it were left to the tories, the country would still be stuck in some sort of quasi Victorian to post world war 2 era society. Where most people would still be doffing their caps (yes m"lord, no m'lord, 3 bags full m'lord) live in poor quality or over crowded housing. We would not have any clean air or water. Minimal or no education, we would have to pay for all dental and medical care. We probably wouldn't have minimum wage or any workers rights or concessions. It would be similar to how things are now or worse, like America is now. That's what the British exit was for, more subjugation and profits.

    If you think the tories are doing a good job, I think you've been drinking too much of the kool aid as the yanks say. I'd like some of what your drinking or smoking, as the evidence and facts speak for themselves.

    The tories have inflicted immence harm on this country and all of us. Fact, they have consistently borrowed more money and paid back less than Labour (evidence taxresearch.org.uk/Blo…ng/), given us osterity twice (post war and now), failed to invest in our national assets and infrastructure, sold off almost every state owned asset, allowed it to be run into the ground, borrowed trillions and allowed it to be given away, wasted and then written off. Allowed many individuals, companies and corporations to extract profits and value and pay little to no taxes through sweetheart deals or complex tax avoidance arrangements. That they also use themselves.

    The 2008 banking crisis was caused by the tories love of "little to no regulation", "flimsy frameworks", "self regulation", and "light touch regulations". The money that was cut by Osborne and his osterity, and the profits from the BOE QE program were not used to pay off debt as promised. They spent and blew it all, and then borrowed £555 billion, followed by another £500 billion. Them Teresa May borrowed £450 billion. No repayment of any debt. Boris and richie have borrowed something like £3 trillion or more, thanks to British exit, covid, Ukraine and crashing the economy and pensions. We have now borrowed more than 101% of our gdp. Is that what you would call fiscally responsible?

    That is why there is no money for pay rises or benefit increases in line with inflation for all our hard working people. Unlike bosses of water companies, post office and energy company bosses. Not to mention MP's having an almost 30% pay rise in the last 12 years, fact.
  2. Dekard97's avatar
    I wish we wouldn't need this, but I feel we will.
  3. C0mm0d0re_K1d's avatar
    I'm not sure its even worth prepping, to try and survive a nuclear war. If millions are killed and everything is destroyed or contaminated with radiation. Your probably going to die anyway, without clean food, water and medicine.

    If there was a major natural disaster. I would hope the state or other countries would help us, if they could. The fall of goverment and civil unrest, would be like some horrific futuristic post apocalyptic gang warfare.
    whats_the_deal's avatar
    Not in this country, too overpopulated and nowhere to hide. Imagine thinking that you could have 5 years worth of rice or whatever, without considering that hungry people in the semi detached next door will just take it from you.
  4. Somersett's avatar
    In the UK, a break down of society would be worse than anywhere else in the Western world- we are a small island stuffed to the gills with Urbanites. Prepping would, I'm afraid, be getting out before the S hits the F. And we happen to be Ground Zero for the simple reason that our gov is the direct cause of the current bad thing likely to make peeps think they should be prepping.

    Never in my life have I witnessed a 'happening' where no-one is trying to put out the fire. Even the two big ones in the 20th Century had 'fire-fighters' working in the background to try to put out the fire ASAP. Not this time- our gov is actively pouring fuel on the fire. And their target has the planet's biggest bangs, and the best means to deliver them.
  5. Glowingpumpkin's avatar
    I swear these free e-books are just a way to 'sh*tpost' on this site.

    Its getting wild in this one. (edited)
  6. Drittz78's avatar
    Wouldn't rule number one be don't buy a digital prepper book. Where do you charge your Kindle if the apocalypse happens.
  7. Proveright's avatar
    Thanks OP
  8. rmtheatre's avatar
    Jim Grylls?
  9. xxxxbrettxxxx's avatar
    Thanks OP
  10. stave84's avatar
    Solar. Hand crank. Wind. Water. ICE generator.
    All the places you would get electricity for anything else.

    That said, by the time SHTF it's too late to be reading a how to prep guide....
  11. Ilostmyselfin1984's avatar
    What it doesn't tell you are the signs to look for when to start prepping the bugout kit.
  12. Halfaudio's avatar
    Best rule is to know how to take from preppers and it will be fine
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