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  1. Sigma's avatar
    hi the hide button is to allow members the option to select if they want the pinned content displayed or not. They may not be interested in the item listed/information listed; or they may have already reviewed the link and no longer wish to see the content if scrolling; or they may have added the link to their personal saved items. It allows that personal choice.

    If you do accidentally hide a pinned post, please try logging out / clearing session cookies / logging back in to see if it refreshes
    DealHunterz's avatar
    Why can't pinned content behave the same as normal deal content having the hide functionality just doesn't really fit well with the user experience of scrolling through content since you can't hide deals pinned content should also behave the same. And if an accidental hide is done there should be a group or section to see all pinned content
  2. DB2k's avatar

    Is it possible or can I request a feature to optionally not display the pinned deals. They are never of any value to me so I'd rather just never see them.
    many thanks
    Sigma's avatar
    Unfortunately, it's not possible to opt out of viewing pinned posts in your personal settings at this time, but we will share your feedback with the product team for future consideration.